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Are private prisons more corrupt than government prisons?Discuss

Research Question: Are private prisons more corrupt than government prisons?

Font size: 12 Format: Single-spaced Font Style: Times New Roman
Length: 3-4 pages (page numbers on TOP right-hand corner)

• Write your research question at the top of the page
• APA format required when citing.
• Use at least 6 academic sources (journal/article) related to your research question. Must be from the list provided

• Each citation will require 2 paragraphs:

1. A brief overview of the academic journal/article/textbook;
2. How will this specific material help with your research proposal?
3. Unbiased research/ only facts about public and private prisons

Referenced Sources

Kirkham, Chris. (2014). CORRECTIONAL CORRUPTION. IRE Journal, 37(1), pgs. 8-10.
Not peer reviewed

Aviram, H. (2014). Are Private Prisons to Blame for Mass Incarceration and Its Evils? Prison Conditions, Neoliberalism, and Public Choice. Fordham Urban Law Journal, 42(2), 411–449. Not peer reviewed

McElreath, D., Mallory, S., McElreath, L., Williamson, L., Lyons, T., Doss, D., Jensen, C., Wigginton, M., & Flaschka, W. (2017). The Mississippi hustle: corrupting the financial principal-agency relationship at the Mississippi Department of Corrections. Crime, Law & Social Change, 68(1/2), 17–27. Peer reviewed

Schwartz, M. D., & Nurge, D. M. (2004). Capitalist Punishment: Ethics and Private Prisons. Critical Criminology, 12(2), 133–156. Peer reviewed

Cabral, S., & Saussier, S. (2013). Organizing prisons through public-private partnerships: A cross-country investigation. Brazilian Administration Review, 10(1), 100-120. Peer reviewed

Souryal, S. S. (2009). Deterring Corruption by Prison Personnel: A Principle-Based Perspective. The Prison Journal, 89(1), 21–45. Peer reviewed

Enns, P. K., & Ramirez, M. D. (2018). Privatizing Punishment: Testing Theories of Public
Support for Private Prison and Immigration Detention Facilities. Criminology, 56(3), 546-573. Peer reviewed

DRYBURGH, M. M. (2009). Personal and Policy Implications of Whistle-Blowing. Public Integrity, 11(2), 155–170. Peer reviewed

Perrone, D., & Pratt, T. C. (2003). Comparing the Quality of Confinement and Cost-Effectiveness of Public versus Private Prisons: What We Know, Why We Do Not Know More, and Where to Go from Here. Prison Journal, 83(3), 301-322. Peer reviewed

Camp, S. D., & Gaes, G. G. (2002). Growth and Quality of U.S. Private Prisons: Evidence from National Survey. Criminology & Public Policy, 1(3), 427-450. Peer reviewed