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Is the daily calorie intake associated with an increased risk of obesity (increase in body weight)?

Outline of the report

Purpose Statement:
The aim of the study is to find out if there is an association between body weight and calorie intake.

Research Question:

Is the daily calorie intake associated with an increased risk of obesity (increase in body weight)?

Data must have 30+ samples pieces of data (included in the attachment, survey data with survey questions)

I. Introduction

Write a paragraph to answer the following questions: What was the purpose of your study? What population did you sample from? Who/What made up your sample? When and where was the sample obtained? What Method Sampling did you use to select the sample? Give some detail about this.

Do you think you obtained a random sample (did everyone/thing in the population have an equal opportunity to be surveyed)? Explain.

II. Looking at a yes/no question

For the yes/no questions and answer the following questions:

A. State the question

B. Create a pie graph of the yes/no responses.

C. State the sample proportion of “yes” responses, .

III. Looking at a numerical questions (Make Sure that you have TWO Quantitative Variables (calorie intake and body weight)

For the each numerical questions answer the following questions:

A. State the question.

B. Draw a histogram, box-and-whisker plot,

C. Calculate the summary statistics (for each data set) Which measure of Central Tendency best describes the data?

D. Discuss the shape, center, and spread of the distribution of responses to this question.

IV. Scatter Plot

A. State the two numerical questions. Indicate which variable is x, and which is the dependent variable y. Explain why you assigned the variables in this way.
B. Draw the scatter plot
C. Find the Correlation Coefficient. Do you think that is a Strong, Moderate or Weak Correlation.
D. Find the Line of Best Fit. Draw it on The Scatter Plot.
E. Use the Regression Line to make a Prediction.

Also, A linear regression test will be conducted to find the association between calorie intake and the weight levels of the individuals involved in the study. These variables will be represented in the following equation:
Y = bx + a
Whereby: Y = calorie intake, b = gradient, x = weight, a = intercept

Here’s survey data question with 30 data set to help you finish the project.

Current Weight:
Sex: Male/Female
Family Health History: (Circle all the apply):
Diabetes Heart Disease High Cholesterol High Blood Pressure
Do you Smoke: Yes/No?
Do you regularly Exercise: Yes/No?
What is your average calorie intake per week?
What is your BMI level? Formula = (Weight/Height) * 703

Height (inches)
Weight (lbs)
Sex (Male/Female)
Age (Years)
Family Health History Smoke Exercise
Calorie Intake (per week)
BMI Level =((Weight/Height)*703)”

1 72 157 F 22 None N Y 20720 21.29
2 70 194 M 51 None N Y 22214 27.83
3 71 181 M 41 None N Y 19838 25.24
4 67 208 M 35 None Y Y 23479 32.57
5 67 191 M 22 None N N 19081 29.91
6 69 206 M 19 None N N 14236 30.42
7 69 185 M 31 None N N 17306 27.32
8 65 217 M 39 None N N 21516 36.11
9 72 177 F 39 None N N 21303 24.00
10 73 163 F 44 None N N 11864 21.50
11 66 154 F 44 None N Y 14937 24.85
12 69 111 F 18 None N Y 13954 16.39
13 66 129 F 51 None N N 13407 20.82
14 70 151 F 41 None N Y 19804 21.66
15 71 188 M 32 None Y Y 17626 26.22
16 71 177 M 42 None N Y 18098 24.68
17 70 121 F 38 None N Y 19814 17.36
18 69 124 F 35 None N N 12018 18.31
19 68 177 M 28 None N N 14343 26.91
20 66 138 F 46 None N N 21768 22.27
21 68 196 M 37 None Y Y 17615 29.80
22 72 137 F 21 None N Y 15690 18.58
23 71 125 F 45 None N N 15232 17.43
24 66 145 F 47 None N Y 14019 23.40
25 66 189 M 21 None N Y 16145 30.50
26 67 179 M 40 None N Y 18036 28.03
27 72 178 M 27 None N N 21438 24.14
28 69 118 M 48 None N N 16764 17.42
29 73 178 M 31 None N N 21994 23.48
30 73 131 F 18 None N Y 10287 17.28