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Explain the ethical considerations, to ensure no iatragenic (accidental harm) effects or worsening of existing disparities.

100% of the marks for this module are for the summative assignment. The formative assignment is not awarded marks.

Assignment title: Using a planning framework, design a health promotion intervention for a specific group focused on one of the following topics:
Alcohol or substance use
Mental health and wellbeing
Sexual Health
Tobacco use

Word Count: 3500 words, including tables and figures, excluding references
Summative Report:
Structure – use these headings: Introduction Background Planning model
Intervention Critique of the Planning model Conclusion

You can use figures and tables within your assignment. Remember to give them titles and numbers, to refer them by Table or Figure number in the text, and describe their key aspects within the report.

You must not copy and paste copyrighted images from datasets or online sources.
Potentially useful figures / tables Determinants of your specific health topic mapped to the Rainbow model or other suitable framework Action areas of the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion The

Precede Proceed model or a logic model applied to your intervention, to the show the process, the impact, and outcome evaluations

Guidance (suggested word count, to give an indication of relative importance)
Introduction (150 words) Specify your target topic, group / community, and setting Briefly outline what the report will do – a sentence or two on each subsection.
Background (550 words) Define the health topic, using a reference. Describe the epidemiology and current prevalence in your target group and target setting (place, area, country) using reliable surveillance and / or peer-reviewed data. Explain its evidence-based determinants for your target group (consider doing this within the Rainbow mode or other social determinants of health model).

A figure might be useful here, mapping the determinants of your health topic for your group in their setting, mapped to a recognised model.

Explain the evidence-based harms of the problem on your target group, to justify why an intervention is needed.

Explain what health promotion is (aims, perspectives, strategies), and why it is a good fit to your topic. Identify the most relevant WHO Charter for your topic.

A figure might be useful here, showing the action areas of the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion

Critically discuss the needs assessment of your choice for your target group and setting. Ensure you use peer-reviewed evidence and / or surveillance data to support this.

Planning model (800 words) Explain what planning models are and why they are suitable to your topic. Identify, justify, and explain the planning model you will use

A figure may be useful here, to illustrate the phase-by-phase / step-by-step process from the target problem to the expected outcomes. e.g. The Precede-Proceed model or a logic model applied to your intervention, to show the process, the impact, and outcome evaluations

Explain what would happen within each phase of the planning model. How will the needs assessment be done (what type of data will you collect, and how e.g which valid and reliable measures or psychometrics are suitable), what you expect to find based on the relevant peer-reviewed literature and surveillance data, and how the identified factors in the health problem would be prioritised. Include health behaviour / promotion models, as appropriate, to explain the target problem and mechanisms of change in theory. Specify the required resources, and any disparity-based barriers to implementation.

Intervention (800 words) Based on your planning model assessments, specify the targets for the intervention, and the strategies and processes you will use to reduce the

Specify how the health behaviour / promotion model(s) underpin your intervention design, and justify it / them as a good fit for the target problem using critically described peer-reviewed evidence.

Work through each phase of the Planning model, ensuring you include all the components that culminate in a clearly specified evidence-based intervention, and how the process, and short, medium, and long term outcome evaluations would be conducted (specify suitable data collection methods, reliable and valid psychometrics, surveillance data, etc that fit to the needs assessment and target problem)

Critique of the Planning model (1000 words) Critically discuss the advantages and limitations of the Planning model you selected in comparison to other models, using peer-reviewed literature.

Critically discuss the intervention you proposed, using peer-reviewed literature.

Critically discuss the advantages and limitations of the Health Promotion and Behaviour Promotion model(s) you selected in comparison to other models, using peer-reviewed literature.

Explain the ethical considerations, to ensure no iatragenic (accidental harm) effects or worsening of existing disparities.

Conclusion (200 words) Briefly reflect upon the choices made and acquired learning