NURM117 Module Learning Outcomes
Subject-Specific Knowledge, Understanding & Application
a) Critique global, national and local public health strategies and policies.
b) Critically appraise demographic and epidemiological data and critically evaluate the impact on the health of populations.
c) Interpret evidence and theoretical principles from a wide range of sources to identify, plan and critically evaluate an intervention which aims to improve well being and reduce inequalities in health for a target population.
Employability & Changemaker Skills
d) Critically consider the ethical allocation of resources and how community capacity can be built into a proposed intervention.
e) Communicate complex information effectively using verbal, written and visual methods, in order to deliver information accurately and with clarity.
f) Critically review collaboration and networking as part of a complex project team, in order to identify and meet objectives and actively fulfil own responsibilities
Assessment Strategy
Using an adapted version of Cavanagh and Chadwick’s Health Needs Assessment (HNA) framework, you will complete a process that enables you to use a systematic approach to review evidence about a specific population in order to assess needs, plan an intervention to improve health and address health inequalities using project management skills.
Step 1: Introduction to Public Health and Health Needs Assessment – this helps you identify your target population group and gain a background understnading to Health Needs Assessment.
Step 2: Identifying Health Needs – you will use a wide range of data to identify a range of health needs and through assessment prioritise one of these health needs for action.
Step 3: Action Planning and Resource Management – you will determine an acceptable intervention that will be developed using an action plan, considering resource management and required funding to address the priority health need.
Step 4: Evaluation Strategies – you will be planing how to review and evaluate intervention.
The summative assessment strategy entails a PowerPoint presentation covering the above steps.