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Discuss key issues and approaches to defining ONE of the following contested concepts: “need”,“community” or “service user”.

Social Work
Community Needs and Services (CNS)

Semi-independent accommodation – is it meeting the needs of older children in care and care leavers?

Assignment Brief:

You are required to write an individual assignment demonstrating your understanding of the complexity of challenges faced by people and how these challenges can be met.

In the assignment you are expected to draw on a critical understanding of a contested concept and on the work of your project group.

This assignment MUST / need to address ALL 7 bullet-points.

1. Introduction: set out the aims of the assignment

2. Describe the rationale for the nature of the research carried out by your group

3. Outline the research methods that have been used

4. Discuss key issues and approaches to defining ONE of the following contested concepts: “need”,“community” or “service user”

5. Link this discussion of a key concept to the findings of your research

6. Reflect on the implications of your research findings and/or your discussion on the contested concept for social work policy and practice

7. Evaluate the strengths and limitations of the project including methodological and ethical issues