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Discuss retailing, either online or traditional, and explain specifically where you want this product to be available to consumers.


In this part of your project you will identify, discuss, and justify the distribution decisions you will make for the product that you have been writing about. (Please see the attached files.) Remember to keep in mind that your distribution decisions should reflect everything done thus far including the objectives, the target market, and how the product is positioned. Be sure that your distribution decisions here not only support your efforts to remain profitable but make the product accessible to your target market when they are ready to buy.

Step 1

First, discuss the number of intermediaries that you will use. Refer to figure 10.3 for insight into the four different distribution models to choose from.

These are further discussed in more detail in the text. (9th Edition Marketing The Core by Roger A. Kerin & Steven W. Hartley) Explain why you believe that is the model you want to choose. Then explain if this is a departure from the company’s typical distribution strategy. If so, what justified the change?

Step 2

Next, discuss the intensity of distribution that you have chosen. Why specifically have you chosen this level of distribution? Does this intensity variate from the company’s usual distribution? If so, please justify the deviation. Remember that different products may have different levels of distribution intensity depending on how it is positioned in the marketplace.

Step 3

Discuss retailing, either online or traditional, and explain specifically where you want this product to be available to consumers.

For each retailer chosen (or retailer type such as discounter), explain why having the product available at this institution is important. Remember that your positioning efforts, along with the behaviors of your target market should drive this specific decision. Once again discuss whether your strategy here deviates at all from the retailing strategy already used by the company.

Step 4

Add just a few paragraphs briefly discuss what your team has learned about product distribution that you did not already know.

Other helpful tips:

Hello everyone, I just wanted to provide some additional context for the upcoming distribution project. As many of you are marketing services, you may find distribution decisions to be challenging. Here are some examples of creative ways in which you can address distribution in that case:

• In the case of a hotel, what decision you can make is that you can choose a new location for the hotel. If you do sell, please be prepared to justify your decision and explain why you believe that the new location would be profitable and viable given the overall marketing plan. If this is not your strategy, you may also address accessibility issues to the hotel. For example, how easily accessible is your existing location? Is there a more efficient or more luxurious way to transport your guests? Is there anything else that relates to the location of the hotel that you can improve upon to ensure a more smooth traveling experience?

• In terms of space travel for example, exam in the location of the Launchpad, and how easily accessible is this from the parts of the country that you are marketing. Although expensive, you may also choose another launching point, but again it’s very important that you justify that decision. Understand that Virgin Galactic’s current location was very carefully picked for a number of reasons. You should be aware of those reasons. Assuming you want to keep the current location, what types of decisions could you make to make travel to launchpad go more smoothly, or what could you do to enhance the experience given the current infrastructure in the area.

• The other Strategic Business (SB) use that most of you picked should be relatively straightforward in terms of destination points, transfer Hubs, locations, etc.