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Describe the market of sustainable fashion consumption in Germany.

Words: 345
Pages: 2
Subject: Marketing

SPSS -Quantitative Methodology Report

Word count – 2200
Title page, table of contents and appendix do not count against your page limit.
SPSS print outputs, relevant graphs and charts required as appendix.
Tables/Figures: Should be numbered (e.g., Fig 1. Regression results) and appropriately referenced in the text, e.g., see Figure 1. Tables and charts should be placed in the text at the point you discuss them.

SPSS outputs: Direct copy-pasting SPSS outputs into text should be avoided. Raw SPSS text should be placed in the appendix and assign a name appropriately. Appendices do not count in word limit.

You will undertake data analysis using a data set provided. The emphasis of the project will be on interpreting output and making managerial recommendations based on the analysis conducted. The coursework is in report format.

Sustainable Fashion Consumption

Imagine that you have been working in an international market research agency based in the UK. You have been asked by your boss to analyse data previously collected by your fellow consultant in Germany. The data was collected online in June 2021. Your boss wants you to build a regression or path model that explains German consumers’ intention to engage on sustainable fashion consumption. Your specific tasks are:

a. Describe the market of sustainable fashion consumption in Germany. Your boss also wants to know similar information in the UK


• Description of the for sustainable fashion consumption in the UK.
• integrate secondary information, market research news, etc.

b. Develop and justify your model, which includes hypothesizing the signs of the coefficients in your model.
• Clear hypotheses and their justifications. (Note : NO NULL Hypothesis)
• Clear explanations of the key constructs
• Ability to integrate literature to justify hypotheses and explain key constructs in the model.

c. Use SPSS to analyse your data, discuss and summarize your findings.

Clear justification of the methods used.
Clear presentation of the findings and analysis.
Appropriate use of graphs, diagrams and tables.
relate findings with literature and appropriate referencing

d. Discuss the managerial implications of your findings.

• Clear discussion on the managerial implications of your findings.