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Describe a person in your life who is a puzzlement, an impenetrable, and incompletely knowable. How does the mystery of this person impact your relationship?

Words: 312
Pages: 2
Subject: Nursing


(Parse, 1981, 1998, 2007, 2014)
Parse (2007) identifies “mystery” as one of four key ideas or ‘postulates’ that are fundamental to the values and beliefs about the reality of the humanuniverse (ontology) and common to all three humanbecoming theory principles. Mystery is honoured when nurses bear witness to the unfolding of the human mystery. From Parse’s (2007) perspective, “mystery is the unexplainable, that which cannot be completely known unequivocally” (p. 309). Mystery “abides in concealment as unshowable” (Heidegger, 1971, as cited in Parse, 2007, p. 309) and “ by definition transcends the conceivable” (Marcel, 1951/1960, as cited in Parse, 2007, p. 309). According to Parse (2007) “ no one thing is completely knowable; there is always the unfathomable with the indivisible, unpredictable, everchanging humanuniverse” (p. 309).

Required Readings

1. Karnick, P. M. (2017). How do nurses practice? Nursing Science Quarterly, 30(3), 214-215.
doi: 10.1177/0894318417708427 – THIS WILL SUPPORT YOUR FINAL HBT REFLECTION
2. Duteau, J. (Understanding the lived experience of loss and grieving in persons with end stage
renal disease: A humanbecoming approach. Canadian Association of Nephrology Nurses
and Technologists, 20(2), 18-22.

Ends in View:

1. The student will have an understanding of what it means to honor mystery when living humanbecoming theory in practice.


Complete the required readings. Reflect on and answer the following questions.

1. Define mystery in your own words and compare to a dictionary definition.

2. Describe a person in your life who is a puzzlement, an impenetrable, and incompletely knowable. How does the mystery of this person impact your relationship?

3. Choose a patient you have cared for in practicum and reflect on how you honored mystery when living humanbecoming theory in practice. Outline key points in your reflection below.

4. Review the article on Duteau, J. Understanding the lived experience of loss and grieving in persons with end stage renal disease: A human becoming approach. Canadian Association of Nephrology Nurses and Technologists, 20(2), 18-22. LIST 3 HIGHLIGHTS and how these highlights support your understanding of HBT and/or persons with ESRD.