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Discuss at least one approach to individually oriented self-care through the development of self-awareness, self-regulation, and self-efficacy.

Compare and discuss relevant self-care aspects for a social worker. (1500 words +/- 10%) (50% of the mark) (L1, L2, L3 & L4).

Try to compare and discuss up to three self-care aspects.

Provide a more analytical & in-depth discussion rather than just descriptions & definitions of terms.

Also, this assignment asks you to compare and discuss self-care aspects rather than just discuss. Engaging with a discussion like that will help you be more analytical as well and add new layers to the discussions.

Learning outcomes

L1. Demonstrate commitment to developing your professional social work identity, showing responsiveness to feedback and guidance.

L2. Evaluate their interpersonal and communication skills with individuals in a variety of situations.

L3. Demonstrate an understanding of the benefits of criticality, reflection and analysis to social work practice and continuing professional development.

L4. Discuss at least one approach to individually oriented self-care through the development of self-awareness, self-regulation, and self-efficacy.


Learning outcome 1 would it literally be the definition of supervision within a social work context and why it is essential for feedback and guidance to enhance skillset within a social work context and how this helps shape self-identity as a social worker.

Learning outcome 2 – would that be what various types of supervision there is within social work (teachers/educator, boss, managers, colleagues) and what level of supervision they would give you and how they would do so.

Learning outcome 3 – discuss why reflection from the individuals who are supervising you at different stages in the path to becoming a social worker is beneficial, so from educator to colleagues.

Learning outcome 4 – and use one approach (directive supervision, to directive informational supervision, to collaborative supervision, to non-directive supervision) and how this can help with self-awareness, self-regulation, and self-efficiency.

Or is it how supervision can help using an anti-discrimination practice/approach to with self-awareness, self-regulation, and self-efficiency?

So, for mindfulness,

Learning outcome 1 – would it be a definition of mindfulness within a social work context and how feedback and guidance can help with stress and resilience and how that will shape identity as a social worker. How it will teach you how to recognise stress

Learning outcome 2 – would be how feedback and guidance through stress and resilience will be beneficial to improving the intrinsic and extrinsic stressors which you would face as a social worker.

Learning outcome 3 – would be how feedback and guidance would help you job demand/control, role stress, and emotional labour when put into practice. Also, as how to recognise factors that lead to stress, and also how to recognise traits.

Learning outcome 4 – could be stress management and emotional regulation and how by utilizing this through self-awareness, self-regulation, and self-efficiency. This includes greater recognition of the negative impact of stress on thinking, concentration and decision-making, and the importance of containing emotions in interpersonal work

Then you have to take a critical and analytical comparison from the two – again I don’t know if this is right or not but say mindfulness could make you aware of emotions which you could discuss further in supervision, something like that. Or what does one give you that the other doesn’t.