Examiners’ commentaries 2021
IS3159 Research project in digital innovation
Important note
General remarks Learning outcomes At the end of this course and having completed the Essential reading and Activities, you should be able to:
• Identify the broad outline of the field of digital innovation and identify a number of key research areas within the constraints of the course.
• select a study topic within the field and relate it to broader themes and debates • locate and review materials within the specific areas of interest, going beyond standard textbooks and including academic research literature
• design a research project, assess the resources and skills required to undertake it and prepare a plan • select a research approach and a conceptual framework appropriate to the chosen topic, together with relevant research techniques
• undertake a research project, select data sources, collect data and undertake an analysis
• write a research report in an appropriate style and which conveys the essential detail of work undertaken, the research findings and conclusions
• monitor and assess your progress and modify plans as required.