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Write a minimum 1-page paper describing child growth and development.

Educators have different sets of beliefs about how children grow and develop, and there are several theories about how children develop and learn. For example, one theory holds that children simply mature as they grow older. Another theory is that the environment shapes what children become. In some theories, genetics and environment are believed to interact to influence learning and behavior. Understanding these different theories will be important in teaching and caring for children in early childhood settings.

Complete Parts 1 and 2 below using the provided instructions.

Part 1: Theorist Comparison Table

Complete the Theorist Comparison Table assignment.

Part 2: Growth and Development Theories Paper

Write a minimum 1-page paper describing child growth and development.

In your paper, include:

A brief description of key characteristics of early childhood growth and development
An explanation about how understanding the child development theories from the Part 1: Theorist Comparison Table can help you as an educator (e.g., communicate with your students and their families, organize your classroom, plan your lessons, etc.)

Cite references to support your assignment.