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Analyze the Solutions to each Planning and Development Challenge selected (What are they How will they work? What are the impacts and second order consequences?)


This case study assignment is designed to test your ability to conduct effective research, gain a nuanced understanding of complex concepts, synthesize the ideas reflected in your research with those reflected in your required readings, and to evaluate and apply these ideas to an issue of urban planning.


For this assignment, you will write an analysis critique of a case study in a traditional research paper format. Specifically, you must:

1) Analyze several of the Critical Challenges Facing an Urban Planner What are they? [See below] How do they affect the planning process? Why do they affect the planning process? What are second-order consequences?

Some Challenges (pressures that exert a decisive influence on a planning organization’s likelihood of future success.)

• Disruptive innovations
• Financing Difficulties
• Fragmented and overlapping governments, authorities, and special districts
• Untangling organizational purpose and organizational strategy
• Social conflicts, and rapid population growth
• The spread of scattered new development
• Outdated planning and zoning techniques
• Incorporating “what people think” (reputation and the social definition of value) in strategic planning

2) Analyze the Solutions to each Planning and Development Challenge selected (What are they How will they work? What are the impacts and second order consequences?)

3) Analyze the Partnerships That Can Mitigate, or Address each Planning and Development Challenges selected using a biblical worldview (What parties are involved in the comprehensive planning process? What do they contribute? What purpose do they serve? What are the impacts and second order consequences of their involvement?)

Items to include are outlined as follows:

• Length of assignment is 2,500 – 3,000-words (10 – 12-pages)
o Not including title page, reference page, and any appendices.

• Format of assignment: APA format with 1-inch margins, 12-pt. Times New Roman font, and must include a title page and reference page.

• Number of citations: 8 – 10 scholarly sources (in addition to the course textbooks, assigned readings, and Biblical reference) to fully support your assertions and conclusions. These must be cited in accordance with APA guidelines.

• Acceptable sources: Use scholarly sources only. No websites, podcasts, dictionaries, encyclopedias, or magazines. Peer reviewed journal articles, dissertations, and textbooks only.

This is a research assignment designed to test your ability to conduct effective
research, gain a nuanced understanding of complex concepts, synthesize the ideas reflected in your research with those reflected in your required readings, and to evaluate and apply these ideas to an issue of urban planning.

As with all graduate-level assignments, you are expected to comport yourself with the highest writing, research, and ethical standards. To do well on this assignment, you must conduct high-quality research and offer a rich, well-supported analysis; mere opinion or conjecture will not suffice.
You must avoid careless or simple grammatical errors such as misspellings, incomplete