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Compare and/or contrast a character from Hamilton with any other character we’ve read this semester.

Alexander Hamilton and black lives matter

Subject that is not listed, you must prepare a 250-word proposal that states what you wish to write on and why and also have an appointment with me to discuss your proposal. After selecting the subjects, formulate a thesis which you will turn in to me early on. You must have at least three secondary sources to support your paper, one of which must be a journal, magazine, or newspaper article, and one which must be a book. Only two may be websites. You can find your journal online. Also, you must have at least one primary source; therefore, a minimum of four sources should be listed on your Works Cited page. The body of the paper must be a minimum of 1500 words. This word count does not include the title page and Works Cited page. You must also include a typed title page and typed Works Cited page with your final draft.

Form: You should follow the MLA format when writing and typing your paper. This form includes parenthetical documentation and a Works Cited page. This form is discussed in the textbook. You may also find links in MLA format on the DSC Derrell Roberts Library Homepage.

Cover Sheet title of paper, course, and section number (English

1102-10H), your name and the date

Body of Paper 1500 words typed, name and page in upper right

Works Cited alphabetical list of critical books

used, hanging indent

No folder needed

For quotations, give credit to other people’s ideas even if you have not used a direct quote. If it is a long quote, more than four typed lines, put it in block form. Indent 10 spaces from left; it is double spaced and continues to the right margin. If it is a short quote, three lines or less, include the quote within your sentence. If you mention the name of the author in the text, do not repeat it in the parentheses. For help in using quotations in your paper, refer to the textbook.

It is very important to document. If you do not document, you can be accused of plagiarism. Fundamentally, plagiarism is the offering of the words and ideas of another person as one’s own. Of course, the most flagrant violation of appropriating the exact words of another and offering them without documentation is the most severe, but the theft is often much more subtle. Refer to the plagiarism statement included on the syllabus for detailed definition of plagiarism and guidelines on avoiding plagiarism.

To Begin:

Read some on the subjects, and select a topic
Read some more and write a thesis
Write your rough draft
Do more research, if necessary
Revise and write another rough draft
Organize and write your Works Cited page
Proofread and make final editing corrections
Submit your paper

Final drafts must be turned in on Georgia VIEW and in person on April 25. Remember, you must complete this assignment to pass the course.

English 1102 Research Paper Topics

What is the historical or cultural significance of Hamilton? Identify what was
happening in (American) life or society at the time that the work was written and how that contributed to the work.

Research reactions to the piece when it was first published and contrast them to reactions today.

Identify an issue you’d like to learn more about related to Hamilton:
* Author’s biography, culture, and history

* Issues of theme, symbolism, pattern—Choose one

* Representation of immigrants or women

* Issues of definition (satisfied, helpless)

* Symbolism (the room where it happens, time, my shot, etc.)—Choose one

* Hamilton and writing

* Historical accuracy

* Hamilton and Black Lives Matter

Compare and/or contrast a character from Hamilton with any other character we’ve read this semester.
Compare and/or contrast a character from Hamilton and the actual person he/she was based on.

Once you select a story and an approach, you’ll need to narrow down your topic so that it is more specific in its focus.