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Demonstrate the utility of an in-depth understanding of interpersonal communication theory through its application to any given interpersonal interaction.

Interpersonal communication situation

Part of your grade on this paper includes your helpful comments as you review the papers of two of your peers. Give suggestions not only on writing style, grammar, etc., but on their analysis. Are your peers seeing their conflict situations clearly? How can you help with solutions for their future?

You are required to use MLA format and must include at least two works on the Works Cited page. One of these works should be your class textbook. The other source should be a credible article from a scholarly journal. use the free databases provided at the Library home page through Rio Hondo College (Proquest, EBSCO, psychINDEX, etc.) Throughout the essay you should be referencing these works through direct quotations and cited paraphrases to help inform your theory analysis as well as solutions.

PURPOSE: Often we have an easier time understanding concepts when we are able to apply our “real life” experiences to the concepts we are trying to learn. In order to analyze interpersonal communication, then, it is practical to use our life experiences to better understand the concepts and theories that for the basis of our interpersonal communication and relationships. This paper requires that you observe a communication situation, analyze that situation, and then present that analysis in the form of an essay.

OBJECTIVES: This assignment is designed to:

1. Reinforce fundamental communication principles in the text.

2. Underscore the pragmatic value of interpersonal communication theory through direct application to a specific communication situation.

3. Demonstrate the utility of an in-depth understanding of interpersonal communication theory through its application to any given interpersonal interaction.

4. Utilize solution-based thinking by applying research from the textbook as well as one credible outside source.

5. Illustrate the potential alternatives in the chosen situation that may lead to more effective communication.

SELECTING THE SITUATION: Select an interpersonal communication situation in which you were personally involved. It must also be a situation in which ineffective communication occurred. There may have been a direct conflict, an unspoken conflict, or a miscommunication. Perhaps it was a situation in which your needs were not met. It may be a situation that arose in connection with a class, a job, your family or friends, or a social occasion. Select an event which occurred in the not-so-distant past (i.e. within the month, if possible, so that you have very clear recall of the exact words and context of the communication.

PROCEDURES FOR WRITING THE PAPER: Analyze the selected interpersonal communication situation to determine the causes of, and to suggest possible solutions for, the ineffective communication. Divide your essay into five sections. Label these sections with the headings provided below:

I. The situation: Where and when did the communication take place? What happened? What is the nature of the relationship between the people involved (roommates, Parent/child, boss/employee)? Provide some exact details of the interaction. What was said/unsaid? What nonverbals did you observe, etc.? Try not to analyze it yet. Just state the facts. You need not use real names of the participants (2 or 3 paragraphs)

II. Explanation: Using the components of the communication process from chapter one (pages 7-10), explain how the interaction occurred. Explain in context of the nature of communication as transactional (not purely action or interaction-based). Provide specific examples from your interaction that illustrate the terms and explain the concept of human communication being mutually interactive. Be sure to cite each term that you use from the textbook. (2 or 3 paragraphs)

III. Analysis: Why was the communication ineffective in this interaction? In this section of the paper you must demonstrate your understanding of the communication concepts discussed in your textbook; as well as their application to the situation that you are analyzing. Some terms that may apply to your situation include: self-esteem, self-concept, perception, nonverbal communication, competence, self-disclosure, relational stages, supportive versus defensive communication, empathy, listening — just to name a few. Cite the page number of your textbook chapters in which the explanation of the term appears, and apply each term to your selected interaction. You should provide specific examples from your conversation in this section of the paper as well as in the situation section. (3 or 4 paragraphs)

IV. Solutions: What might you and the other person in your situation have done differently to avoid the ineffective communication or to correct it once it occurred? Use terms from the textbook to help you write this section, also. In nearly every instance, your conclusions will be more clear and useful if you cite specific examples form your conversation and quote your textbook when you use terms. (2 or 3 paragraphs)

V. Applications: How would you apply your solutions regarding this interaction to other situations that might occur in the future (with this same person or someone else)? Be specific with positive steps to take. Be sure to use the textbook to cite proven methods and strategies that could work to avoid ineffective communication in future situation. (1-2 paragraphs)

APPEARANCE OF THE PAPER: The final draft of your paper must be typed and double-spaced in MLA format. The paper must exhibit college-level writing and adhere to acceptable standards for spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Source citations for paraphrased and quoted material from the text and any outside sources must be included parenthetically within the paper, and you must have a Works Cited at the end of your paper. The finished paper, excluding the works cited page must be between 4-6 pages in length.

EVALUATION: Your paper will be graded using four criteria:

1. The degree to which the five sections are thoroughly and accurately discussed in the paper.

2. The degree to which supporting information, such as examples and illustrations from your conversations, are used effectively in your paper.

3. The degree to which you show an understanding and application of interpersonal communication theory as presented in class and in your textbook.

4. The degree to which language is used effectively and ideas are expressed clearly.

5. Your completion of peer analysis of two other papers as well as your inclusion of peer analysis suggestions in your final draft.