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Create a dichotomous key covering all the required categories of animals.

Biology Final Project
Dichotomous Key
100 points

Create a dichotomous key covering all the required categories of animals.

o Key must be typed or written VERY nicely and presented in booklet format
o Key must be organized and neat with correct spelling
o Key must be easy to read and follow
o A picture and complete description must be included for each terminal animal category
o The following terminal categories of animals must be included in the key

o Fishes
 Jawless fish
• Hagfish
• Lamprey
 Cartilaginous fish
• Sharks
• Skates and rays
 Bony fish
• Ray-finned fish
• Lobe-finned fish
o Amphibians
 Frogs and toads
 Salamanders and newts
 Caecilians
o Reptiles
 Lizards and snakes
 Turtles
 Crocodiles and alligators
 Tuataras
o Birds
 Passeriformes (perching birds)
 Piciformes (cavity-nesters)
 Ciconiiformes (wading birds)
 Procellariiformes (marine birds)
 Sphenisciformes (penguins)
 Strigiformes (owls)
 Struthioniformes (flightless birds)
 Anseriformes (waterfowl)
o Mammals
 Monotremes
 Marsupials
 Placental mammals
• Insectivore
• Chiroptera
• Primates
• Xenarthra
• Rodentia
• Lagomorpha
• Carnivora
• Proboscidea
• Sirenia
• Perissodactyla
• Artiodactyla
• Cetacea