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Explain how principles of human factor engineering and user interface were integrated into the design and implementation of the informatics solution.

Words: 416
Pages: 2
Subject: Nursing

Benchmark – Internal Presentation

step 1

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Assessment Traits


Assessment Description

The purpose of this assignment is to recommend and present the steps taken to identify and solve an EHR problem. This PowerPoint presentation is designed for executive leadership and explains the work done to solve the identified problem in the case study.

Create a 10-15-slide PowerPoint presentation overviewing the informatics solution to the identified problems in the “Integrated Case Study,” located in the Class Resources. Include the following information:

Describe the gap/need identified.

Describe the data used in the electronic form created to assist the oncology RN navigator.

Evaluate the future state workflow created to meet the needs of the EHR.

Explain how principles of human factor engineering and user interface were integrated into the design and implementation of the informatics solution.

Outline the evaluation measures for the informatics solution.

Recommend tools and the process for evaluating and measuring the success of the informatics solution.

Include cover slide, reference slide, and presenter’s notes.

Include three to five credible resources to support your findings.

Refer to the resource, “Creating Effective PowerPoint Presentations,” located in the Student Success Center, for additional guidance on completing this assignment in the appropriate style.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.

Benchmark Information

This benchmark assignment assesses the following programmatic competencies:

MS Health Informatics 1.4; MSN Health Informatics 6.4:

Integrate principles of human factors engineering and user interface into the design and implementation of informatics solutions.


This assignment aligns to the following AMIA 2017 Core Competencies for Health Informatics Curricula at the master’s degree level:

F1: Health: Does

F2: Information Science and Technology: Does

F3: Social and Behavioral Science: Does

F4: Health Information Science and Technology: Does

F5: Human Factors and Socio‐Technical Systems: Does

step 22

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step 33

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