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Read Pages 629-642
In a 250 word post, respond to one of the following prompts:
o Poe defines his concept of “the perverse” as a drive that all people feel towards self-destruction. When we’ve committed murder, the perverse is that part of us that wants to confess. When we’re on a cliff, the perverse makes us want to jump.
Give an example of the psychological torment that the characters feel in “The Fall of the House of Usher.”
Explain how that torment helps explain why people do things that aren’t in their best interests.
Support each part of your post with MLA cited examples/quotes from each text.
Respond to the classmate post below in 125 words. Support your classmate’s perspective with additional information from the texts. Support your response with MLA cited examples/quotes from each text. Or, provide an alternative perspective to your classmate’s. Explain your rationale and provide evidence from the texts.