Reviewing the Systems Theories [ORGANISM]
Use the following questions to describe, in a summative-narrative fashion, what the systems of your organization looks like.
Your summary is to be 2 pages, include 3–5 references (this can include your textbook), have a title and reference page, and be formatted according to current APA style (first person should not be used).
- What is the cycle of production for this organization? i.e., what are we about as an organization?
- What do we bring in (input), how do we use it and form our product (throughput)?
- What do we send out into the larger world (output)?
- Are we open to negative feedback from the sub and super systems?
- What are we doing to reverse the entropy of the system?
- Are we exploring other paths to the ends (equifinality)?
- What is our proper place in the broader society and economy?
Issue: genotypic function. (Productive, Maintenance, Adaptive, Managerial/Political)
- Are we balancing our need for profit with a long-term view of survival?
The issue is the Maximization Principle.
- How are we scanning the environment?
What do we know about the environmental sectors (Economic, political, social, etc.)?