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Discuss the major shifts in the demographic/population processes of fertility, mortality, and migration that you observe in your family’s life experiences.

For this assignment, trace your family history and identify where you can see the demographic changes being played out through the generations in your family. Also discuss the major shifts in the demographic/population processes of fertility, mortality, and migration that you observe in your family’s life experiences.

For instance, discuss when and where you and your parents (and grandparents and so on) were born, how many siblings you and your parents (and grandparents and so on) have/had. On average how long did members in your family live? How long you expect to live? Are you are married/will marry? Will you have children? How many? Why/ Why not? When? Have you moved in your lifetime? Where? Do you plan to move? Where? What are your family’s migration experiences? Basically, you are expected to analyze the differences and the similarities in the demographic events over the generations in your family. For example, has the number of children declined? Has the chance of divorce increased?

Although this assignment appears to be a biography, please make sure that you highlight those aspects which reflect notable demographic phenomena.

Submit: Submission via email is not acceptable as this assignment requires SafeAssign. This assignment should be 3-4 typed pages, double spaced, 12 pt. font and submitted in a Microsoft Word Document or PDF.