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Discuss the development history of the community and whether or not this project (1) is consistent with the development trends or (2) is a new trend in community development?

Words: 147
Pages: 1
Subject: Uncategorized

Development in the community

Why is this development being proposed?

What are the patterns of growth and development in the community which prompted this project? Discuss the factors causing this growth. (i.e. commercial development in the area, new schools or colleges being built or planned, efforts to attract retirees, manufacturing facilities being built or planned,
a migration to newer housing and less congested living conditions, etc.)

Discuss the development history of the community and whether or not this project (1) is consistent with the development trends or (2) is a new trend in community development?

What areas are prone to development? What have been the trends of past developments, both in physical location and types of development (i.e.
single-family, ownership multi-family, rental, mixed use commercial, professional, low and moderate income residential). Does this project tract trend or set another trend? If so, what is that new trend?