Health Promotion Presentation
1) How this is diagnosed, Assessment and focused questions done by a nurse to an alcohol addicted patient, Realistic Interventions that the nurse use for this kind of patients, Reliable Health education materials to prevent alcohol addiction and education to recover from alcohol addiction. Any new treatment?
2) Use 3-5 references, APA format, Pictures, all in apa style.
Grading Rubric is on Blackboard.
Criteria Novice (0 pts.) Competent (5-8 pts.) Proficient (10 pts.)
Organization, Clarity and Accuracy of health promotion discussion Difficult to follow Good logical sequencing; Excellent organization; information is accurate
Research references included No references included 1-2 references 3-5 references
Focused questions None included 1 focused question included At least 2 focused questions included
Educational discussion None discussed Minimal discussion Excellent discussion
Interventions discussed None discussed 1 intervention discussed At least 2 interventions discussed