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Using 500-700 words discuss Immanuel Kant’s Ethical Theory i.e., deontology and how it may apply to modern policing ethical practices. In doing so, describe the theory of deontology and provide some historical background pertaining to Kant (born 1724 – died 1804). No direct quotes should be used in the response.

Words: 103
Pages: 1
Subject: Criminal Justice

Select a real homicide case in which a firearm was used to commit the crime and forensic examinations of evidence related to firearms (cartridge casings, bullets, GSR, etc.) were utilized to assist in determining “what” happened.

First, summarize the case, then explain in detail the role forensic firearm examinations had in the case. What did the examinations and evidence reveal? Consider the use of GSR, ballistics, and NIBIN in the case. You can also discuss other forensic evidence, but the focus should be on firearm evidence.

Your essay should be 3 pages in length, written in APA format, and include at least two scholarly references.

Part 2. Instructions (Essay Questions)

Question 1

Using 500-700 words discuss Immanuel Kant’s Ethical Theory i.e., deontology and how it may apply to modern policing ethical practices. In doing so, describe the theory of deontology and provide some historical background pertaining to Kant (born 1724 – died 1804). No direct quotes should be used in the response.

Note: The essay response given should reflect upper-level undergraduate writing in accordance with current APA standards. The essay response is to include a minimum of 3 peer-reviewed scholarly sources listed in proper APA format with in-text citation(s) in proper APA format. In-text citations are to correspond to a source in proper APA format listed after the essay response.

Question 2

Using 500-700 words discuss some of the peer-reviewed research findings pertaining to why individuals behave unethically. In doing so, discuss using critical thinking what the academic literature has to say and apply that information toward police officers unethical conduct. No direct quotes should be utilized in the response