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Using at least four readings from the course, explore how the focus of the SDGs are experienced in the everyday lives of Africans. What does this experience tell us about the limitations or possibilities of public policy?

Words: 187
Pages: 1
Subject: History


Respond to one of the following prompts:

  1. The UN’s Sustainable Development Goals have significant influence on global and national policy as it relates to development, particularly on the African continent. Throughout the semester, we have investigated what the policy-development nexus looks like in practice for ordinary citizens. Using at least four readings from the course, explore how the focus of the SDGs are experienced in the everyday lives of Africans. What does this experience tell us about the limitations or possibilities of public policy?
  2. Early in the semester we studied the history of the development concept in Africa (Decker and McMahon). Using at least four readings from the course, demonstrate how this history influences contemporary public policy on the continent.

Word format (.doc/.docx) or PDF only, double spaced, 12-point Times New Roman, 1” margins, page numbers on every page, your name and date on the top of the first page • You must engage at least four readings from the course with some detail in your paper. • Cite using Chicago Style (Author-Date), using in-text and include a reference list:…