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What is the position of your representative on the coronavirus, voting restrictions, policing, climate change and policies on healthcare?

Who Represents Me?

Click on the “Who Represents Me? (Links to an external site.)” link and complete the required information to find your United States House of Representative member to answer questions 1-4. Questions 5-10 reference both the US House and US Senate.
Who Represents Me?

1. Who is my US House of Representatives member?
(At least how old do US House members have to be? How long has he/she held this position? What did he/she do (profession) before becoming a member of the US House of Representatives? How long is a term in the US House?)

2. How much money does your US House Representative make as a lawmaker? (salary)
3. What special compensations (retirement, healthcare, etc.) comes along with being a member of the US House of Representatives? (You need to provide at least 4 specific compensations other than salary.)

4. What is the position of your representative on the coronavirus, voting restrictions, policing, climate change and policies on healthcare?

5. Who was/is the first woman speaker of the US House of Representatives? When did this happen?

6. Who was the first African American Representative to the US House (include from which state and when)? Who was the first African American Senator in the US Senate (include from which state when)?

7. Who are the 2 US Senators from the state of Texas? How long is a term in the US Senate? How many total African Americans have served in the US Senate to the present time? How many currently serve in the US Senate (list name and state)?

8. Who is the current majority leader of the US Senate? Who is the presiding officer of the US Senate, as per the US Constitution? (Title and name)

9. Based on the original US Constitution, how did we select US Senators? What changed this method to the way that we currently select US Senators? (Be very specific.)

10. What interesting information did you learn from completing this activity? What do you think is the most important issue that Congress should focus on currently? How effective do you think members of Congress are at handling problems that Americans face? (Elaboration needed.)
Provide documentation / cite the sources used to research the questions.