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What is the R-square value for the model? What information does this value tell us?

M4 Assignment

Question 1 – Ch.7
You just learned how to create a correlation matrix and run regression analysis in Excel. Now, it’s time to apply your new skills to a new dataset, which appears in the sheet called “Practice” in the Excel workbook.

This time, your team is assessing the criterion-related validities for a scored structured interview (StructuredInterview) and work sample assessment (WorkSample) in relation to overall job performance (JobPerformance) for a Software Developer job.

You have already established that both selection procedures are significantly associated with job performance by themselves (as evidenced by correlation analyses), and now it’s time to assess whether there is any redundancy between the two selection procedure variables (i.e., very large correlation), if both are still significantly associated with job performance when specified in the same regression model, and what the collective criterion-related validity of the selection procedures are in terms of the R-squared value. Respond to the following questions.

Generate correlation matrix for these three variables. Based on the correlation matrix, is there any concerning amount of redundancy between scores on the “StructuredInterview” and scores on the “WorkSample”? How do you know? Hint: cutoff correlation coefficient is 0.85

Generate regression (using JobPerformance as the dependent variable/outcome, and StructuredInterview and WorkSample as predictor). Are both selection procedure variables still significantly associated with job performance when specified in the same multiple linear regression model? How do you know? Hint: cutoff p-value is 0.05

What is the R-square value for the model? What information does this value tell us?

Do you recommend that the organization should use both selection procedures in the future? Why?

Question 2 – Ch.8
You just learned how to evaluate a training program using an independent-samples t-test. Now, imagine that your organization would like to evaluate its onboarding program. To do so, new employees are randomly assigned to either receive the onboarding training program or to not receive any onboarding training program.

A posttest-only, with control group design is used, and the posttest outcomes include self-report measures of Turnover Intentions, Role Clarity, and Feelings of Acceptance, which are administered 6 months after all new employees joined the organization.

Higher scores on each of those measures indicate higher levels of the concept. Using data found in the “Practice” sheet of the Excel workbook, do and respond to the following:
Run three independent-samples t-tests in which you compare the average levels of turnover intentions, role clarity, and feelings of acceptance for those who participated in the onboarding program (Onboarding) and those who did not (NoOnboarding). What did you find?

Based on these analyses, what is your overall impression of the organization’s new onboarding program? In other words, do you think joining the onboarding program can significantly influence employees’ a) turnover intentions, b) role clarity, and c) feelings of acceptance?

Question 3

Assume you are a HR specialist, and you are currently in a company’s recruitment team, and you need to design a selection procedure for a job (you may choose a job that you are interested in). What specific skill(s) do you plan to assess in this job? How do you plan to measure it?