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Describe a challenge you encountered and how you overcame it.

Words: 616
Pages: 3
Subject: Uncategorized

The topic you select for this assignment must be a protest or event where people are seeking change. The following are some possible topics for you to consider:

Protests over the death of George Floyd
Ontario high school students walk out for climate change
Indigenous Day of Action
G20 Summit
Idle No More
Not Another Black Life
Hong Kong Umbrella protests
Arab Spring
Oka crisis
If there is a topic you are interested in that is not on the previous list, you may pursue it as long as the topic you select is a protest or event where people are seeking change. If you are unsure about your topic, you may contact an ILC Academic Officer.

Research the protest or event. Use the following questions to guide your research:

Why did the protest take place? What was the inciting incident?
What is the background to that incident?
Who organized the protest? Who were the protesters?
Where and when did it take place?
Did it remain peaceful or were there damage or casualties?
Did any change result from the protest?
Bold text startSelect the type of media productBold text End you want to create. You must choose to create one of the following options.

Option 1: Photo essay

Check out some examples of photo essays online. Media outlets like The New York Times and Time magazine share a variety of examples.
Create a photo array of 6-9 photos that appropriately captures your topic. Since you were likely not taking photos at any of these events, you will have to research online for images. As this is a school project, not for profit, you will not have to pay royalties, but be sure to credit the photos you choose using proper MLA format. Check out the MLA Citation Guide to review the MLA citation style that you’ve been using throughout the course.
Aim to narrate a story with your photo essay. Include a title or write a caption for each photo. Think about the overall message(s) you want to convey with your photo essay about the chosen topic and make deliberate choices with your selection and arrangement of photos and title/captions to build the message(s). What do you want your audience to take away from your photo essay?

Why you decided on this topic.
A brief description of the events you are portraying, which should include your research – reason, name of organization, date and place, and other relevant information.
Explain at least three decisions you made in shaping your assignment.
Describe a challenge you encountered and how you overcame it.
For this assignment, you will need to submit your photo essay or podcast and your artist’s statement.

Your teacher-marker will grade and provide feedback on your work using the following success criteria and rubric. Before submitting your assignment, review the success criteria and rubric. If you are unsure about how to format your assignments, citation or what constitutes plagiarism, please review the following support pages:

Referencing and Formatting Submission Guidelines(Opens in new window)
Avoiding Plagiarism Guide(Opens in new window)
Success criteria and rubric
Photo essay:

Selects elements that represent different perspectives.
Organizes elements logically (media production).
Shows balanced, journalistic coverage of the event.
Shows care for detail and presentation.
Uses images or voice for maximum effect on the audience.
Uses images or voice with purpose and intentionality.
Artist’s statement:

Contains background details on the event.
Shows depth of consideration of goals and challenges.
Demonstrates a strong command of the English language.
Uses appropriate tone/voice for purpose and audience.
Organizes ideas logically and concisely.
Adheres to the conventions of grammar, sentence structure, and spelling as appropriate for the purpose.