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How the selected media became part of contemporary American society.

Assignment Content

Some forms of media are so ingrained in our daily lives that it’s hard to imagine a time when they did not exist. However, even the most popular and useful forms of media had to develop over time. In this assignment, you will select a form of modern media and trace how it became a staple of American society.

Select one specific item from any of the three forms of media listed below.
Online video streaming service (example: you could pick a tech platform like Roku, provider like Netflix or an aggregator like YouTube)
Social media platform (example: you could pick Facebook, Twitter, etc)
Video game and gaming technology (example: pick a game that has impact like Worlds of Warcraft or Grand Theft Auto, or a technology like MMORG or PlayStation)

Research your selected media, and consider the following:
How the media developed over time
Its evolution in the United States.
The challenges and milestones related to its development
How the selected media became part of contemporary American society.

Create a horizontal or vertical timeline using a timeline template in Microsoft® Word, Canva®, or a program of your choice. You can Google “timeline examples” for options as well. I’m looking for some creativity in your design.

Include the following information in your timeline:
6 major events in chronological order that are part of the evolution of your selected media. These major events could include important milestones, technological advancements, and challenges related to the development of your media. [do not just pick random developments – they need to be meaningful]
Provide the dates associated with the chosen events
Provide a 2- to 4-sentence description of each chosen event and that event’s measurable cultural impact.

I’ve attached an example of what I’m looking for – highlighting four major milestones for Amazon. Note that for each I provide a 2- to 4-sentence description of each chosen event and that event’s measurable cultural impact. The cultural impact is in yellow. For this assignment you are expected to do research. However, do not simply copy a list of milestones from someone’s website – gaming is often an offender here. It’s not enough to tell me the Playstation was launched in 1994 – you need to outline what that meant and the broader measurable impact. Measurable impacts are usually reflected in numbers (x increase in revenue or users, y additional businesses added, etc)