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Once you have watched the video, respond to the idea that support services and training are more beneficial to refugees than a one-time or limited handout or support. What do you think – would the benefits outweigh the costs? Is this reasonable for local organizations and/or governments to offer? Is is feasible? etc.

Discussion Board #3: Refugee supports

Watch the following video, Refugees want empowerment, not handoutsLinks to an external site., A TED Talk by Robert Hakiza. Mr. Hakiza is a refugee from Congo who is now an urban refugee researcher and co-founder of the Young African Refugees for Integral Development (YARID). The video is brief (approximately 6 minutes, 30 seconds in length).

Once you have watched the video, respond to the idea that support services and training are more beneficial to refugees than a one-time or limited handout or support. What do you think – would the benefits outweigh the costs? Is this reasonable for local organizations and/or governments to offer? Is is feasible? etc.

Students’ posts are graded based on the quality of their analysis. Students should feel free to share their thoughts and opinions, but, as always, in a respectful manner. These discussions are intended to get you thinking about topics related to our course content and sharpen your critical thinking skills. Additionally, practice engaging with others in civil discussion regardless if you agree or disagree with their analysis. This is an important skill regardless of what career/life path you choose. Discussion of ideas is necessary and healthy for all of us.

GRADING: Your original post should be at least one paragraph (5 sentences or more) in length to be eligible for full credit. Once you make your own post, you are required to reply/respond to the follow-up post by the instructor [since class size is small] that will be available after the original post due date. Your response must be at least 2-3 sentences in length to receive full credit.

Write a reply to the student below


Student Name: Meshal Almutairi

  1. Public agencies are government-funded organizations, such as the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Veterans Affairs (VA). These organizations provide essential resources and services to their respective populations. The USDA, for example, administers nutrition assistance programs such as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), which provides benefits to eligible individuals and families to purchase food. The VA provides veterans with services such as health care, disability compensation, education and training, and employment services.

    Family Health Clinic: Family Health Clinics (FHC) are nonprofit organizations that specialize in providing quality healthcare services to those in need. FHCs are dedicated to providing medical, dental, vision, and mental health services to those who cannot afford it. FHCs are unique in that they offer services like preventative care, health education, and access to specialists, all at no cost. Furthermore, FHCs focus on providing a holistic approach to health care, as they ensure that their patients have access to food, housing, and employment services. 501 non-profit organizations are nonprofit organizations that are exempt from taxation under section 501 of the Internal Revenue Code. This means that donations made to these organizations are not subject to federal income taxes. Some of the most well-known 501 include The Salvation Army and Nuestra Clinica Familiar, both of which provide social services such as counseling and drug and alcohol addiction treatment.