Descriptive analytics about airline routes data
- a) In A2, route_manager is a small program that uses relevant Python structures and libraries to process airline routes data to produce descriptive analytics.
- b) Based on provided arguments and data files (i.e., datasets), will help us answer the following questions:
- q1: What are the top 15 airlines that offer the greatest number of routes with destination country as Canada?
- q2: What are the top 30 countries with least appearances as destination country on the routes data?
- q3: What are the top 10 destination airports?
- q4: What are the top 10 destination cities?
- q5: What are the unique top 10 Canadian routes (i.e., if CYYJ-CYVR is included, CYVR-CYYJ should not) with most difference between the destination altitude and the origin altitude?
- c) The format of the arguments used for the program is similar to the one used for Assignment 1 (A1). A formal description of the inputs is described at the end of this document.
- d) The output of your program WILL NOT be directed to stdout. After each execution, your program must generate two files:
- a. q<X>.csv: A file compliant with the CSV File format that contains data in a table-based format to answer the question passed as an argument to the program (e.g., q1, q2). Please note that the ‘<x>’ placeholder in the name of the file corresponds to the question passed as an argument. For example, q1.csv, q2.csv, q3.csv, q4.csv, and q5.csv.
- b. q<X>.pdf: This is a file that contains an image with a graph\figure (e.g., bar plot or pie plot, depending on the argument passed) that allows to visualize the data in q<X>.csv and answer the question passed as an argument to the program (e.g., q1, q2). Please note that the ‘<x>’ placeholder in the name of the file corresponds to the question passed as an argument. For example, q1.pdf, q2.pdf, q3.pdf, q4.pdf, and q5.pdf.
- e) The most reliable way (and the only one encouraged) to test your program is to use the provided tester file which will validate the output produced by your program, given a particular question.