1. Introduction: Ethical commentary on chosen topic from a Christian perspective.
Describe the chosen topic. What happened and what were the effects.
State the purpose of the article.
2. Sources of Christian ethics: analyse and evaluate the significance of
– The teachings of Jesus and early church (scriptural quotes)
– Christian Social teachings
– the Just War Theory
and what these teachings imply about the ethics of the chosen topic.
3. Analyse and evaluate the Importance of developing an informed conscience
a. Involves taking into consideration the above teachings as well as a range of ethical approaches from deontological (e.g.Ten Commandments) to teleological (consequences/utilitarianism/egoism/altruism)
b. What would a deontological approach say about the morality and ethics of the topic?
c. What would a teleological approach say about the morality and ethics of the topic?
d. Having considered the teachings of the Church and these perspectives what does your own informed conscience say about the topic?
4. What has been the response of the Church to the moral and ethical challenges posed by the topic and the horrors of WWII?
– Pacem in Terris
5. Evaluate and draw unique and nuanced conclusions about the response of the Church to the moral and ethical challenges posed by the chosen topic and horrors of WWII – how to build peace on earth.