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Write a Discussion with the following results: and suggestions with the following research question:

Lab Report

Things to think about when using numbers, you can but the number, “4” unless it is in the beginning of a sentence spell it out “Four”

Research: Looking at Aristida stricta (Wiregrass) in different temperatures to measure the growth at a greenhouse


Introduction Information:

– start broad discussing climate change “climate change has resulted in a loss of biodiversity and address how that is a problem”

-discuss how astritida stricta is a native species

– use 3 of the following citations:

-however it is not clear why .. there is little evidence showing..


Create a methods section for the following information using the research question:

Research: Looking at Aristida stricta (Wiregrass) in different temperatures to measure the growth at a greenhouse

-Spring weather, natural sunlight

-Psuedo replication happened as we were not able to replicate the temperature in multiple places due to it being a green house and one side of the green house receiving afternoon sun and the other side receiving morning sun.

-The wiregrass that survived dirt was rinsed off, put in a paper bag and then kept for a week after 40 C.

-present tense can be used if describing something still happening

-Seeds were not used: potted plants were purchased in a necessary and they were separated with individual clumps

-Statistical analyses: chi squared,

-Wiregrass was plotted on 2/8 and ended on 4/5

– Fertilizer was applied after one week and the fertilizer was a standard water soluble plant food (20:20:20, ENVY(R), National Liquid Fertilizer, Bedford Park, IL) that was applied at a concentration that was 25% of that recommended for indoor plants

-starting height of plants ranged from 9-15


Four treatments (when listing out treatments 2×2 factorial experiment with 2 water conditions (50 ml and 100ml ) that were watered twice a week.

Temp           Water.  Alive  Dead

29                100       6           30

29                50b      7            29

24                100  13         23

24                50         5.          31


Temperature set at a minimum temperature was 17 C and maximum at 29 C,

Location: Greenhouse .. south side and north side of building …. Cool side (East) received a max of 24 C and the warm side max was 29 (West),

-minimum temperature on both sides was the same but the maximum was different

-plants were watered twice a week (Monday and Thursday) and watered with 50 mL

-plants were purchased at a native plant nursery, they were bought in half gallon plots, and separated into individual clumps

-give total sample size (144)

-plants were randomly assigned to positions in the green house (randomized in pairs) so that there was a high amount of water and lower amount of water was next to each other

-there is pseudo replication: not able to replicate the temperature in multiple places due to it being a green house and one side receiving afternoon sun and one side receiving morning sun

– a few things to remember for writing Methods: 1) the size of the pots (you can measure in greenhouse)



Temp           Water.  Alive  Dead

29                100       6           30

29                50b      7            29

24                100  13         23

24                50         5.          31


-reporting biomass with bar graph and with standard deviations

-reporting survival



Write a Discussion with the following results: and suggestions with the following research question:

Research: Looking at Aristida stricta (Wiregrass) in different temperatures to measure the growth at a greenhouse

The hypothesis was: We hypothesize that Wiregrass growth will be affected by temperature, with optimum growth occurring at a specific temperature range.

what did you find?

-biological explanations does the data agree or disagree with predictions or hypothesis? What do the trend or lack of thereof mean?

-relating results to what people has already

-how do the results compare to others?

-there was a trend towards higher survival

-consider alternative interpretations of the data

-wiregrass was not sensitive to the levels of water and temperature used in this expirements if we had more water or

-with huger survival, we might have been able to detect differences there could have been more dependable watering


-create an abstract!

-for discussion end by explaining why expirements like this are important


Other Notes:

  • A lot of evaporation in green house .. biological explanation “
  • Understand transpiration and plants are losing that water
  • Plants do worse at high temperatures and low water, cool


Create a hypothesis as well in introduction