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Everyday Sexism: The Impact on Women’s Lives and Careers

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Pages: 5


Sexist comments and microaggressions are pervasive in our society, and they can have lasting effects on individuals, particularly women. These remarks, often dismissed as harmless or inconsequential, contribute to the gender leadership gap and erode women’s self-confidence and sense of self-worth. This paper explores various examples of sexist comments, the spaces where they are commonly heard, and the profound impact they have on women’s lives and career paths. Additionally, it examines how sexism affects men and creates a cycle of gender inequality. By shedding light on the insidious nature of everyday sexism, we can work towards creating a more equitable and inclusive society.

Examples of Sexist Comments

Sexist comments come in various forms, perpetuating harmful stereotypes and gender roles. Some common examples include:

“Won’t your kids distract you from work?”
“What does your husband think about that?”
“Girls just aren’t good at science.”
“Honey; Sweetie; Sugar”
“Your outfit is too distracting.”
“You should smile more.”
“Women are too emotional.”
“You’re too pretty to be taken seriously.”
“Women aren’t natural leaders.”
“Boys don’t cry”
“Man up”
“Boys will be boys”
“That’s just locker room talk”

“You should focus on being a good wife and mother”
These comments can be heard in various spaces, such as workplaces, educational settings, social gatherings, and even within families and personal relationships.

Impact of Sexist Comments

The first time an individual hears a sexist comment can leave a lasting impression on their perception of gender roles and societal expectations. These comments can shape women’s paths both positively and negatively. While some individuals may use them as motivation to challenge stereotypes and strive for success, others may internalize the negativity, leading to self-doubt, reduced self-confidence, and limited career aspirations.

For instance, a woman pursuing a career in a male-dominated field may hear comments like “Women aren’t natural leaders” or “Girls just aren’t good at science,” which can create doubt about her abilities and potential for (Lindsey et al., 2018). the other hand, some women may use these comments as fuel to challenge stereotypes and prove their capabilities in male-dominated industries.

Effect on Women’s College Experiences and Career Paths

Everyday sexism can significantly impact women’s college experiences and career trajectories. In educational settings, sexist comments may discourage women from pursuing certain fields, such as STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics), perpetuating gender imbalances in these areas (Holland et al.,2021). Furthermore, sexist attitudes may lead to the devaluation of women’s contributions in academia and the workplace, hindering their advancement to leadership positions.

In college, sexist comments can deter women from participating in class discussions, seeking leadership roles, or pursuing ambitious career goals. The subtle, yet continuous, experiences of sexism can lead to feelings of exclusion and disempowerment, negatively impacting their college experiences and academic performance.

Impact on Men

Sexism also affects men, albeit in different ways. Traditional gender roles may pressure men to conform to societal expectations of masculinity, discouraging emotional expression and vulnerability. These gender norms can limit men’s ability to connect with others emotionally and lead to mental health challenges, such as suppressed emotions and feelings of isolation.

Men may also face societal pressures to adhere to toxic masculinity, which can affect their relationships, career choices, and mental well-being. The notion of “man up” or “boys don’t cry” can create a narrow and unrealistic definition of masculinity, hindering emotional growth and genuine connections with others.

“Everyday” sexist comments can have both positive and negative effects on an individual, depending on how they internalize and respond to such remarks(Smith, 2019). Here are some ways these comments may shape someone’s path:

  1. Negative Impact

a. Self-Doubt: Repeated exposure to sexist comments can lead to self-doubt and a lack of confidence. Individuals may start questioning their abilities and worth, especially in areas traditionally associated with their gender.

b. Limiting Career Aspirations: Sexist comments that discourage women from pursuing certain careers or leadership roles can limit their career aspirations and opportunities. It may lead to self-imposed barriers, preventing them from fully realizing their potential.

c. Emotional Distress: Sexist comments can cause emotional distress, leading to feelings of anger, frustration, or sadness. Constant exposure to such remarks can take a toll on an individual’s mental well-being.

d. Imposter Syndrome: Sexist comments may reinforce feelings of imposter syndrome, making individuals feel undeserving of their accomplishments and attributing their success to luck rather than their skills and hard work.

  1. Positive Impact

a. Motivation to Challenge Stereotypes: Some individuals may use sexist comments as motivation to challenge stereotypes and prove their capabilities. They may use these negative experiences as fuel to excel in areas traditionally dominated by the opposite gender.

b. Building Resilience: Dealing with everyday sexist comments can help build resilience. Over time, individuals may develop strategies to cope with such remarks and become more confident in their abilities.

c. Advocacy and Empowerment: Experiencing sexism firsthand can lead individuals to become advocates for gender equality and empowerment. They may join initiatives that aim to challenge stereotypes and promote inclusivity.

d. Strengthening Support Networks: Sexist comments can strengthen support networks as individuals seek validation and understanding from like-minded individuals who have faced similar experiences.

It is important to recognize that the impact of sexist comments varies from person to person and depends on their unique experiences, upbringing, and support systems. While some may rise above the negativity and use it to fuel positive change, others may face significant challenges in overcoming the damaging effects of such remarks.

Addressing everyday sexism and promoting gender equality is crucial to creating a more inclusive and supportive society where everyone can thrive regardless of their gender. Empowering individuals to challenge and speak out against sexist comments can lead to positive changes in attitudes and behaviors, fostering a more equitable future for all.


Everyday sexism is a pervasive issue that undermines gender equality and perpetuates harmful stereotypes. Sexist comments, whether seemingly small or overt, have a significant impact on women’s lives and career paths. These comments erode self-confidence, limit opportunities, and contribute to the gender leadership gap. Moreover, sexism affects men, reinforcing rigid gender norms that can have detrimental effects on their mental health and emotional well-being. Addressing everyday sexism requires a collective effort to challenge stereotypes, promote inclusivity, and foster a supportive and equitable environment for all individuals.


Holland, K. J., Rabelo, V. C., & Cortina, L. M. (2021). Perceptions of sexism predict early-career women’s work attitudes: How allyship and leader gender can help. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 42(5), 510-530.

Lindsey, L. L., King, E. B., McCausland, T. C., & Kim, J. (2018). An investigation of the daily experiences of sexist events. Sex Roles, 78(1-2), 99-114.

Smith, A. (2019). The impact of everyday sexism on individuals’ self-confidence. Journal of Gender Studies, 15(2), 123-136.