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How Can Electronic Health Records and Technology Shape Equitable Healthcare Delivery?

Response to Legislative Proposal

As the spokesperson for the American Hospital Association, I am committed to addressing the legislative proposal’s dual aspects: Electronic Health Records (EHR) Implementation and the Impact of Technology in Healthcare Delivery. These elements significantly shape the present and future of healthcare.

Electronic Health Records Implementation

The legislative proposal’s emphasis on EHR implementation underscores the vital shift towards a digitized healthcare ecosystem. EHRs offer streamlined data management, enhancing care coordination, and reducing errors (Darr & Nowicki, 2020). Recent studies underscore the benefits of EHRs. In a study by Jones et al. (2021), EHR implementation was associated with improved patient safety and quality of care. However, challenges such as interoperability and data security persist (Smith & Brown, 2022). To address these, the American Hospital Association seeks to advocate for standardized data exchange protocols and stringent data protection measures.

Impact of Technology in Healthcare Delivery

The proposal also delves into the broader impact of technology on healthcare delivery. Incorporating technology, like telehealth and remote monitoring, has surged due to the pandemic (Darr & Nowicki, 2020). Research by Williams and Garcia (2020) demonstrates the effectiveness of telehealth in expanding access to care. However, concerns exist regarding equitable access, particularly among vulnerable populations (Miller et al., 2021). The American Hospital Association acknowledges the potential benefits but aims to ensure that technology integration does not exacerbate existing healthcare disparities.

Feasibility as a Final Paper Topic

Both topics hold immense potential for a final paper. EHR implementation and technological advancements are transformative and have far-reaching implications. They are timely and contribute to discussions in public health and healthcare management. Personally, I find the Impact of Technology in Healthcare Delivery to be my top choice. This topic resonates as technology’s influence on healthcare is profound, spanning telehealth, wearables, AI diagnostics, and more. I seek to delve deeper into the mechanisms through which technology can mitigate disparities, ensuring that advancements reach all segments of society.

Exploring the Impact of Technology in Healthcare

Technology’s role in healthcare is multi-faceted and evolving. The COVID-19 pandemic amplified the integration of technology to ensure continuous care provision. Telehealth emerged as a vital component, enabling remote consultations and monitoring (Darr & Nowicki, 2020). However, the accessibility of telehealth raises concerns, particularly for marginalized communities. Miller et al. (2021) highlight disparities in telehealth access, revealing the need for targeted interventions to bridge the gap. The American Hospital Association aims to advocate for policies that ensure equitable access to telehealth services, addressing connectivity issues and providing support for those lacking digital literacy.

Furthermore, the expansion of technology extends beyond telehealth. Wearable devices and mobile applications offer opportunities for patient engagement and self-management. These tools empower individuals to actively participate in their health journey (Williams & Garcia, 2020). However, it is crucial to ensure that these technologies do not inadvertently deepen health disparities. Marginalized populations might lack access to smartphones or face barriers in using these devices effectively. Therefore, policy interventions should focus on fostering inclusivity by providing resources and education.


The intersection of electronic health records implementation and technological advancements in healthcare is at the forefront of contemporary healthcare discussions. While both aspects hold significant promise, they also present challenges in terms of access, equity, and security. The American Hospital Association is poised to contribute to these discussions by advocating for policies that prioritize equitable access, address disparities, and ensure that technology becomes an enabler of inclusive and efficient healthcare delivery.


Darr, K., & Nowicki, M. (2020). The Digital Transformation of Health Care: COVID-19 Accelerated the Use of Telehealth. Healthcare Executive, 35(6), 66-69.

Jones, R. A., Smith, L. K., & Brown, S. M. (2021). Electronic Health Records: Impacts on Patient Safety and Quality of Care. Journal of Healthcare Quality, 43(3), 178-186.

Miller, A. B., Garcia, C. D., & Williams, J. R. (2021). Telehealth Access Disparities: A Comprehensive Review. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare, 27(3), 123-135.

Smith, J. M., & Brown, E. R. (2022). Electronic Health Record Implementation Challenges: Overcoming Interoperability Barriers. Journal of Health Information Management, 36(1), 56-63.

Williams, L. S., & Garcia, M. A. (2020). Telehealth Expansion: Implications for Access to Care. Journal of Public Health Policy, 41(3), 363-379.