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Nutritional Habits Assessment: A Path to Better Health

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Pages: 5

Assignment Question

I’m working on a public health discussion question and need a sample draft to help me learn. Introduction This week, I want you to think about what nutrition is, and to then assess your current nutritional habits. This will provide insight and guidance as we move forward in the class in tracking our nutrition. Your Task Please answer the following questions in complete sentences: Create a list of foods that you generally eat (this doesn’t need to be in sentence form). What are the reasons for gravitating toward some of these foods (stress, family tradition, cheap cost, etc)? In regard to the list you just created, do you think that these foods align with principles of a healthy diet? Do you believe that these foods will either help or hinder your current and/or future health…why? Do you believe that you are getting too much, too little, or the right amount of the following? Explain: Calories Fat Carbohydrates Protein Water Vitamins and Minerals (you can be general or specific for this one) How often do you eat out vs. eat meals at home during the week? What would you say the primary reason for eating out is? (Examples: lack of time, it’s cheaper for me to eat out, socialization with family/friends, I don’t know how to cook, etc.) How often do you (or a family member) cook your own food versus eating frozen or packaged foods? What are your thoughts on dieting? Have you ever tried dieting and if so what was your experience like? What is one insight that you are hoping to get about your personal health and nutrition from these assignments? Submission and Grading This assignment is due on Saturday, September 16th by 11:59 PM. You may either submit as a text entry or upload a Word or PDF file. This assignment is worth a total of 20 points. Answers will be graded based on level of completeness and whether or not the student answered using complete sentences.



In the realm of public health, nutrition stands as a fundamental pillar upon which overall well-being and vitality are built. It is not merely about sustenance but a conscious choice that impacts our current health and future vitality. As we embark on this journey to explore nutrition and assess our dietary habits, we delve into a realm that is deeply personal yet inherently linked to the broader fabric of public health. This discussion prompts us to pause and reflect on what we eat, why we eat certain foods, and how our choices can affect not only our individual health but also contribute to the collective health of our communities.

  1. Create a list of foods that you generally eat:
    • Breakfast: oatmeal, Greek yogurt, berries, and a boiled egg.
    • Lunch: turkey and avocado sandwich, mixed greens salad.
    • Snacks: almonds, carrot sticks with hummus.
    • Dinner: grilled chicken breast, quinoa, and steamed broccoli.
    • Dessert: a piece of dark chocolate.
  2. What are the reasons for gravitating toward some of these foods (stress, family tradition, cheap cost, etc)?
    • I tend to gravitate towards these foods because they are easy to prepare and generally healthy. Convenience plays a big role in my food choices, especially during a busy workweek.
  3. In regard to the list you just created, do you think that these foods align with principles of a healthy diet? Do you believe that these foods will either help or hinder your current and/or future health…why?
    • I believe most of these foods align with the principles of a healthy diet. They include a variety of food groups, are rich in nutrients, and are low in processed sugars and unhealthy fats. Consuming these foods will likely help maintain my current and future health by providing essential nutrients and promoting overall well-being.
  1. Do you believe that you are getting too much, too little, or the right amount of the following? Explain:
    • Calories: I believe I am consuming an appropriate number of calories for my activity level, as I try to balance my calorie intake with regular exercise.
    • Fat: I aim to maintain a balanced intake of healthy fats from sources like avocados and nuts, so I think I’m getting the right amount.
    • Carbohydrates: I consume a moderate amount of carbohydrates, primarily from whole grains and fruits, which I believe is appropriate.
    • Protein: I ensure I get an adequate amount of protein, especially after workouts, to support muscle recovery.
    • Water: I try to stay well-hydrated and drink enough water throughout the day.
    • Vitamins and Minerals: While I don’t track specific vitamins and minerals, I aim for a diverse diet to cover my nutritional needs.
  2. How often do you eat out vs. eat meals at home during the week? What would you say the primary reason for eating out is?
    • I eat out about twice a week. The primary reason for this is socialization with friends and family. It provides an opportunity to bond and enjoy different cuisines together.
  3. How often do you (or a family member) cook your own food versus eating frozen or packaged foods?
    • I cook my meals at home most of the time. I prefer cooking because it allows me to control the ingredients and make healthier choices. Occasionally, I might rely on frozen or packaged foods when I’m short on time.
  4. What are your thoughts on dieting? Have you ever tried dieting, and if so, what was your experience like?
    • I believe in maintaining a balanced and sustainable diet rather than strict dieting. I’ve tried fad diets in the past, and while they may offer short-term results, they often lead to frustration and aren’t conducive to long-term health. Now, I focus on mindful eating and portion control.
  5. What is one insight that you are hoping to get about your personal health and nutrition from these assignments?
    • I’m hoping to gain a better understanding of how to optimize my nutritional habits to support long-term health and well-being. I also want to learn more about the relationship between nutrition and specific health outcomes, as highlighted in recent research articles.


This journey into nutrition is not a solitary one; it is a shared exploration that binds us together in our pursuit of healthier, more informed choices. Through continued reflection, education, and awareness, we empower ourselves to make dietary decisions that not only benefit our own health but also contribute positively to the public health landscape. As we move forward in this course, let us carry with us the knowledge that our plates hold not only sustenance but also the potential for better health, both individually and collectively.


  1. FAQ 1: What are the key principles of a healthy diet, and how can I ensure that my food choices align with them?
  2. FAQ 2: Is it necessary to follow a strict diet to maintain good health, or are there sustainable approaches to nutrition that yield better long-term results?
  3. FAQ 3: How can I strike a balance between eating out for social reasons and maintaining a healthy diet at home?
  4. FAQ 4: What role does hydration play in overall health, and how can I ensure I’m drinking enough water throughout the day?
  5. FAQ 5: Are there any specific nutrients or vitamins that I should pay special attention to in my diet to support optimal health, and what are their dietary sources?