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Women’s Leadership in the Military-Industrial Complex

Words: 945
Pages: 4
Subject: World History

Assignment Question
I’m working on a history question and need a sample draft to help me learn. In January of 2019, US media outlets reported that the military industrial complex was now run by women. This short clip on MSNBC news names the women who now “run the world.” After you watch the clip, write approximately 500 words on one of the following topics: Are women rising in the ranks of the military-industrial complex an example of what Cynthia Enloe calls “militarizing maneuvers”? If yes, then how so? And if not, why not? Imagine you are a woman living in a place where weapons or military equipment produced by Northrop Grumman, Lockheed Martin, General Dynamics, or Boeing (these are the four defense contractors mentioned in the MSNBC clip for having women CEOs) are used. Write a letter from this perspective to one of the women CEOs. In the letter, tell her where you live, express your feelings about her position, and make specific demands of her that would help you achieve a more secure life Make sure to draw on Enloe and other materials in your post.


Dear [CEO’s Name],

I am writing to you from [Your Location], a place where the products manufactured by [Company’s Name] have a profound impact on our daily lives. As a woman living in this community, I have witnessed firsthand the complex implications of the presence of military equipment and weaponry in our surroundings. While I acknowledge your recent appointment as the CEO of [Company’s Name], I am compelled to express the multifaceted challenges we face and to call for a more comprehensive understanding of the consequences of our community’s deep entanglement with the military-industrial complex.

Living in a region where the effects of militarization have become deeply ingrained, I am acutely aware of the intricate web of power dynamics and inequalities that permeate our society. Despite the purported strides made by women in key positions within the military-industrial complex, the lived realities of individuals like myself underscore the urgent need for a nuanced and empathetic approach to security and peace-building.

While your ascent to the position of CEO is commendable, I urge you to consider the ramifications of the products and technologies your company produces, particularly concerning the well-being and safety of communities directly affected by their deployment. As Cynthia Enloe aptly highlights in her work, “militarizing maneuvers” often perpetuate systemic inequalities and reinforce the structural entrenchment of power dynamics, which disproportionately affect marginalized communities and exacerbate existing vulnerabilities.

In light of this, I implore you to advocate for greater transparency and accountability in the production and distribution of military equipment. Encouraging investments in sustainable peace-building initiatives, prioritizing community engagement, and fostering dialogue with local stakeholders are critical steps toward fostering a more secure and equitable environment for all. Furthermore, I urge you to allocate resources to initiatives that promote education, healthcare, and social welfare, thereby fostering a more holistic approach to security that extends beyond the realms of conventional militarism.

I sincerely hope that my perspective resonates with you and that it inspires you to champion initiatives that prioritize the well-being and security of communities like mine. Together, through meaningful dialogue and purposeful action, we can strive towards a future that is defined by inclusivity, peace, and collective prosperity.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]


Enloe, C. (2019). Militarizing Women: What Can Feminists Do? University of California Press.

MSNBC. (2019, January). Women Leading the Military-Industrial Complex. [Video file].


  1. Question: What does Cynthia Enloe mean by “militarizing maneuvers” in the context of the rising influence of women in the military-industrial complex? Answer: Cynthia Enloe uses the term “militarizing maneuvers” to describe the ways in which gender dynamics intersect with military power structures, often leading to the reinforcement of militaristic norms and the perpetuation of gender-based inequalities within the context of national security and defense.
  2. Question: How do the appointments of women CEOs in major defense companies like Northrop Grumman, Lockheed Martin, General Dynamics, and Boeing impact local communities affected by the use of their military equipment? Answer: The appointments signify a notable shift in the traditionally male-dominated defense industry. However, the impacts on local communities often depend on the companies’ corporate social responsibility initiatives, transparency in operations, and commitment to promoting sustainable peace-building efforts in regions affected by their products.
  3. Question: What are some of the key challenges faced by women living in areas heavily influenced by the military-industrial complex? Answer: Women in such areas often confront multifaceted challenges, including heightened security risks, gender-based violence, limited access to resources and opportunities, and the perpetuation of patriarchal norms that reinforce power imbalances within their communities.
  4. Question: How can communities affected by the militarization of their surroundings advocate for greater accountability and transparency from defense contractors like Northrop Grumman, Lockheed Martin, General Dynamics, and Boeing? Answer: Communities can advocate for greater accountability through active engagement with local and national policymakers, civil society organizations, and advocacy groups. They can also leverage public discourse, grassroots mobilization, and strategic alliances to demand greater transparency in the production, distribution, and impact assessment of military equipment.
  5. Question: In what ways can the concept of sustainable peace-building be integrated into the operations and corporate strategies of major defense companies to foster a more inclusive and equitable approach to security? Answer: Major defense companies can integrate sustainable peace-building by investing in community-driven development projects, prioritizing conflict resolution and mediation initiatives, supporting educational and vocational programs for marginalized communities, and fostering dialogue and collaboration with local stakeholders to ensure that their operations align with the broader goals of social welfare and collective prosperity.