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How Do Business Models and Unstructured Data Impact IT Strategies in Modern Organizations?

HW1_TEC 5333_SUMMER 2023 MATCH ACCORDING TO THE EXAMPLE (Comprises CHAPTERS 1 and 2) A Business model guide the process of planning, acquiring, building, modifying, and interfacing with deployed IT resources in a single department within an organization? B Standard Operating Procedures describes the cumulative impact of multiple interactions over the course of a customer’s contact with an organization. C Unstructured data is when an organization differentiates itself by charging less and creating and delivering better quality products or services than its competitors D Critical Success Factor is any computing resource that is provided over the Internet on demand. E Data technology enables sensor-embedded products to share reliable real-time data via satellite or optics. F Information Maximizing the use of inputs in order to carry out similar activities better than one’s competitors G DR CHINCHILLA forces that shape or create the future of business, the economy, and society H Procedures describe products, customers, events, activities, and transactions that are recorded, classified, and stored I Customer Experience The component of an Information System which includes a user manual J DSS Descriptions of interactions and interdependencies between the organization’s ISs. K IT Architectures methods for measuring the success of IT architecture L greatest strategic advantage of cloud computing solutions apps that are typically accessed over a network using a Web browser (no hardware or software to install) and paid for by a fixed subscription fee or on a per-use basis. M Structured decisions base resources for the SDDC N TPS Its central feature is a model or formula that enables sensitivity analysis, what-if analysis, and/or goal seeking. O Business processes is a company’s core strategy for making a profit. It defines the products and/or services it will sell, its target market, costs associated with doing business, and the company’s ongoing plans for achieving its goals P cloud computing stack is the pooling of physical storage from multiple network storage devices into what appears to be a single storage device that is managed from a central console. Q SaaS Routine formal processes are referred to as ________________ R Employee Turnover, ROI They have a well-defined method for solving and the data necessary to reach a sound decision. S Storage Virtualization are a set of quantifiable measures used to evaluate factors that are critical to the success of an organization T Cloud Computing definition Data from sales orders, payroll, accounting, financial, marketing, purchasing, inventory control, and so forth are processed by a combination of hardware and software called U Compute, storage, networking, security comprised of the activities that convert inputs into outputs by doing work V KPIs SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS W Application Architecture G INSTRUCTOR TEC 5333 FALL 2023 X Mega Trends Increase agility and ability to quickly implement IT for competitive advantage Y Machine to Machine (M2M) data that have been processed, organized, or put into context so that they have meaning and value to the person receiving them Z Competitive advantage is typically text, although it may also contain some dates and numbers