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Identify one new practice change related to that topic that is not already a standard of care.

Words: 229
Pages: 1
Subject: Healthcare

The changes need to be in the field of psychiatry/mental health. I will need to write a paper.
Your Annotated Bibliography assignment is the evidential foundation for your Evidence-Based Presentation assignment. In this assignment, students will pick a topic for the Evidence-Based Presentation and identify one new practice change related to that topic that is not already a standard of care. For example, before it was understood that the degrees of the head of a patient’s bed in immobile patients directly contributed to pneumonia rates, research was done to identify a range of 30 to 45 degrees. Before it was a standard of care, quality improvement projects focused on this practice change. An example in psychiatry might be short CBT bursts added to psychiatry sessions to improve patient mindfulness. This is not already common practice but is shown to be very effective.
Select at least six current original research articles published within the last five years to support your chosen practice change. For each article, place each article reference in APA format and write a summary that includes a) the purpose of the research, b) sample information, c) statistical significant or trustworthy results related to your practice change, d) recommendations made by the author(s), and e) your personal comments about the quality of the article. Submit this assignment using the respective link by the due date in Blackboard.