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What is the purpose of the Maintenance Type Board {MTS) Process? Compare and contrast the MTS process and the Maintenance Review Board Process.

Based on your readings and research conducted during Module 3.answer the following questions in a word processed
“document Your answers should be at least a paragraph,but not more th.1n one page. in length.

You are expected to answer the questions from a management perspective and provide appropriate.APA·formatted in-text citations and a reference list reflecting sources used to answer the questions.APA guidelines are available in the Resources area of the”

1.Evaluate the key differences between MSG·2 and MSG-3.As a maintenance manager.what was the operational
impact of adopting the MSG·3 approach to maintenance?

2.Provide an example of when an operator might need to change the basic maintenance program/inspection intervals fortasks.Outline the steps that must be followed to execute the change.

“3.As a maintenance manager,examine and explain the effect of component/system redundancy on the rntJintenance”
organization.What factors must be considered when determining redundancy requirements?

4.What is the purpose of the Maintenance Type Board {MTS) Process? Compare and contrast the MTS process and the Maintenance Review Board Process.

5.Evaluate task-oriented maintenance and process or ented maintenance.From a maintenance management
“perspective,discuss the impact of using task-oriented rntJintenance processes versus process oriented maintenance processes.”

“Save your word-processed fi e using one of these acceptable fi e types:.doc, docx.or .rtf.Name your document using”