• Understand the context of projects, project management methodologies and the concepts of scope, quality, risk, time and cost in project management.
• Be able to apply project management techniques to construct project plans and Gantt charts
• Create a project as part of a group of students
• Analyse one or more detailed elements (usually scope, quality, risk, =me or cost)
• Evaluate own contribution to student project
• Critically appraise key leadership and management skills in the management of projects and teams through the through the project lifecycle.
These Learning outcomes can alternatively be seen at a Strategic, Practical and Tactical, and Personal levels:
1. How to apply the nature and stage of the project lifecycle to organisations
2. The value of specific project techniques to a company’s strategy
3. An appreciation of the need to deliver projects to time, to budget and to quality
• Burke, R. (2013) Project Management, 5th Edition, Chichester, Wiley.
• Wysocki, R.K. (2014) Effec1ve Project Management, 7th Edition, Indianapolis, IN, Wiley.
• Both of these texts can be found in the library in electronic format.
Individual Assessment 1: Practical and Critical Refection
The first of the individual assignments (Individual Assignment 1) you will have be given a ’technical’ type task. For example, calculating a critical path, creating a Gantt chart and resource profile etc. And a critical refection written piece
Part 1
Using the table and template below, you are required to produce three (3) project management report charts:
1. A network analysis diagram
2. A gantt chart
3. A resource histogram