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Discuss the following points about the article:Does the article state the problem clearly?How did the authors conduct the research? Is the description of the method clear?Did the charts or graphs help make the data and results clearer? Why or why not?

Choose one article from the qualitative research studies.

Discuss the following points about the article:

1) Does the article state the problem clearly?

2) How did the authors conduct the research? Is the
description of the method clear?

3) What were the results of the study?

4) Did the charts or graphs help make the data and
results clearer? Why or why not?

5) Were the statistics used understandable? If none
were used, why not?

6) Could the results and conclusions be used in

This paper needs to be 3-4 pages

Choose one article and answer questions

Gilmour, J. A., Huntington, A.., Broadbent, R., Strong, A.., & Hawkins, M. (2012). Nurses’ use of online health information in medical wards. Journal of Advanced Nursing 68(6), 1349–1358. doi: 10.1111/j.1365- 2648.2011.05845.x
Kynoch, K., Paxton, J., & Chang, A. M. (2010). Nurses’ experiences and perspectives of caring for obstetric
. . Page 1 of 12

NUR 4053 Nursing Research
RNBSN Program
patients in intensive care: A qualitative study. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 20, 1768–1775. doi:
MacNeela, P., Scott, P. A., Tracy, M., Hyde, A., & O’Mahony, A. (2012). Risk to himself: Attitudes toward
psychiatric patients and choice of psychosocial strategies among nurses in medical–surgical units.
Research in Nursing & Health, 35, 200–213.
Majholm, B., Esbensen, B. A., Thomsen, T., Engbæk, J., & Møller, A. M. (2012). Partners’ experiences of the
post discharge period after day surgery – a qualitative study. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 21, 2518–2527.
doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2702.2012.04116.x
Ngako, J. K., Van Rensburg, E. S. J., & Mataboge, S. M. L. (2012). Psychiatric nurse practitioners’ experiences
of working with mental health care users presenting with acute symptoms. Curationis, 35(1), 44.
Retrieved from
Youngblut, J. M., & Brooten, D. (2013). Parent’s report of child’s response to sibling’s death in a neonatal or
pediatric intensive care unit. Journal of Critical Care, 22, 474-481.