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Are ideas substantial? That is to say, does the analysis do more than state the obvious about the ad? Does it offer an engaging and thoughtful critique of both the benefits and drawbacks of the ad?

Rubric for Assignment #1: Memo Evaluating an Advertisement


• Are the ideas adequately developed? Is there a clear explanation or justification offered for each claim made about the ad?

• Are ideas substantial? That is to say, does the analysis do more than state the obvious about the ad? Does it offer an engaging and thoughtful critique of both the benefits and drawbacks of the ad?

• Does the first paragraph state the purpose of the memo?

• Is there a clear recommendation to keep running the ad or not?

• Do other paragraphs describing and evaluating the ad (with more emphasis on evaluation than description)?


• Does the writing generally adhere to the conventions of standard edited academic English?
• Are the errors numerous and/or distracting from the content?
• Where the memo “breaks” the rules, is it thoughtful/purposeful? (For example, you can use sentence fragments when you’re doing bullet points. I don’t consider that an “error.”)
• Are any outside sources properly cited?


• Is the memo no more than 2 pages (4-5 paragraphs, ideally)?

• Is the ad is a static image (not a video) and was a digital copy was uploaded as a separate file on Moodle?

• Is the visual presentation of the information engaging? Does the memo appear to be intentionally and thoughtfully designed?

• Is the memo properly addressed to the Vice President of Marketing?

• Does the format of the memo make it easy to read and easy to find information?

• Are related ideas grouped together in a way that makes sense?

• Is there a corporate logo?