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What are some of the themes (underlying meanings or insights about life) that you have noticed so far in the course readings?

Words: 305
Pages: 2
Subject: Literature


Essay Exam Question and Explanation:

For this first essay exam, please write an essay of approximately 1.5 pages. The essay will be typed and double-spaced, using Times New Roman 12 point type, and formatted according to MLA style. Please use specific examples from the texts to support your answers.

At this point in the semester, what are some of the themes (underlying meanings or insights about life) that you have noticed so far in the course readings?

Have you noted common themes in the course readings so far? If so, what are the common themes that you have noticed? Please use specific examples from the course readings to back up your points. As always, please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Stories and poems read so far….

1) Sonnet 18: Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?

2) “Hope”


It hovers in dark corners

before the lights are turned on,

it shakes sleep from its eyes

and drops from mushroom gills,

it explodes in the starry heads

of dandelions turned sages,

it sticks to the wings of green angels

that sail from the tops of maples.

It sprouts in each occluded eye

of the many-eyed potato,

it lives in each earthworm segment

surviving cruelty,

it is the motion that runs the tail of a dog,

it is the mouth that inflates the lungs

of the child that has just been born.

It is the singular gift

we cannot destroy in ourselves,

the argument that refutes death,

the genius that invents the future,

all we know of God.

It is the serum which makes us swear

not to betray one another;

it is in this poem, trying to speak.

Lisel Mueller

3) Necklase

4) The Lottery