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Research and describe at least 2 measures that you plan to use in your facility that are currently used to gauge quality in health care.

Ethical and legal considerations (Week 4)

-Discuss an accrediting body that will provide accreditation to the facility you are proposing.

-Discuss the ethical or legal requirements and responsibilities that a health care organization has in ensuring that its facility is licensed, certified, and accredited. –When discussing licensure requirements, ensure that you research requirements based on the state in which you reside.

-When discussing licensure requirements, ensure that you research requirements based on the state in which you reside.

Quality measures (Part 5)

Research and describe at least 2 measures that you plan to use in your facility that are currently used to gauge quality in health care.

-Identify how data for these measures will be collected and analyzed.

-Set realistic benchmarks for each proposed measurement, and explain the rationale behind the benchmarks that you set.

Section 2: Reflection on what you have learned and what you will work on to continue to develop as a healthcare management professional. Write a (1 page) reflection on the following:

As you complete the course and your degree program and look forward to advancing your career in healthcare management, what are the skills and competencies that you feel you have developed and what are the ones that you will need to continue to work on? How do you plan to improve upon your skills and continue to develop competencies in healthcare management?