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Critically evaluate and select suitable business processes to facilitate sustainability within a business organisation that operates in a global context.

Sustainable Business


This assessment is worth 75% of the marks for this module

Submit coursework by the due time and date as instructed on the module blackboard site. You are strongly advised not to leave your hand-in until the deadline as this can result in lateness penalties due to many unforeseen circumstances including queues, PC problems, file problems etc.

Learning Outcomes addressed

As this is a summative submission of formative work, two learning outcomes are addressed

1. Critically evaluate and select suitable business processes to facilitate sustainability within a business organisation that operates in a global context.

2. Have the competencies to be a digitally literate professional.


The Portfolio is final assessment on the module and requires you to build on your work in the formative Coursework. You need to:

1. Submit a 2000 word report (excluding references, tables and diagrams) evaluating a selected aspect of either Social or Environmental performance in your chosen company, as chosen by you and you work can be amended here in line with feedback you have received on either on your formative Coursework OR on your previous Portfolio submission.

2. Submit your work on exploring the social media data set on a Sustainability topic of your choice, showing the work you have done in creating data visualisations and analysing your results. (750 – 1000 words excluding diagrams).

Weightings for each item are shown below.


In addition to the guidance below, the Refer Defer area of Blackboard has guidance video resources

Report on Company Sustainability Performance (2000 words, 60%)

This report addresses evaluation of performance in ONE area of sustainability in a company of your choice. The report should represent an evaluation of performance through critical evaluation of secondary data sources.


Semester 2 Students, you can choose to do this report or continue with your focus on a Sustainability Innovation as per the Portfolio Assessment Document released in Semester 2.

A suggested structure and word count allocation is given below:

1. Introduction clearly setting out the report contents and the aspect of Sustainability performance you are evaluating. (250 words)

2. Methodology for searches of the academic literature and other sources (250 words)

3. Company overview (150 words)

4. Sustainability Performance Data for the chosen area of evaluation (100 words as data presentation should be in tables not included in word count)

5. Critical evaluation of company performance on your chosen sustainability focus (800 words)

6. Recommendations for improvement (250 words)

7. Conclusions (200 words)
References (single reference list at the end of document and NOT included in the