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Discuss in some depth and detail three different engagement practice-based skills that are critical when seeking to build an effective ongoing relationship with clients in the area of MH, and why?

Assignment 2 – Reflective Learning Journal (2,250 words)
Key Guidelines

• There are four sections; all questions in each section to be answered in full

• Assignment to be set out using the four key headings outlined below
o Good to write out each question in full as well to help keep work on track

• Normal 3rd person academic language to be used in Sections 1, 3 and 4
o 1st person language for your own personal reflections in Section 2
• No dot pointed or any other indented or numbered work to be used in this assignment
• Minimum of 10-12 academic sources in total required for this assignment


1. Models of Mental Health (750 words)

(a) Compare and contrast the key strengths and weaknesses of the Medical Model [also known as the biomedical model) with either the ‘Biopsychosocial Model’ or a more ‘Trauma Informed Approach’.
250-300 words max.

(b) Choose one MH Illness (e.g. depression, obsessive compulsive disorder, schizophrenia, bi-polar disorder)
 Succinctly outline the main features of this MH Illness; drawing on relevant academic sources

 Discuss in some detail some of the social consequences/knock-on effects people with this MH Illness may have experienced, over time, from point of diagnosis – inclusive of the complexity of factors likely involved for families & close friends; and what this means for human service workers when working with clients and their families, in this area?

2. Lived Experiences (400 words)

Identify and discuss three key points that stood out for you from different individual’s lived experiences you have heard throughout the course and/or from videos listed in the e-reader under ‘Streamed Video Files’
 Respectfully include the full names of the individuals you are discussing
 Give specific examples of individual speaker’s comments that highlight the three key points that stood out for you, and why?
 Outline how each of these factors will influence the way you work with clients in the field.
NOTE: Work in this section not requiring any academic research work; just your own personal reflections

3. Practice Approaches & Skills (400 words)

(a) Discuss in some depth and detail three different engagement practice-based skills that are critical when seeking to build an effective ongoing relationship with clients in the area of MH, and why?

(b) Discuss your understanding of social work-based MH assessment approaches and practices as taught throughout this course.

4. Working with Diverse Groups drawing on a Population Health [PH] Approach Choose a specific population group (e.g. youth, older people, refugee groups, rural populations, LGBTQ people).

(a) Succinctly summarize 3-4 main Mental Health challenges facing this population group as a whole.
(100-150 words)

(b) Briefly summarize the key principles of a PH approach; inclusive of your understanding of each of its three different Interventions (as set out below). (550-600 words)
 Give examples of each of these three interventions in relation to your chosen population group
o health promotion & prevention strategies [primary interventions]
o early detection & early intervention strategies [secondary interventions]
o more direct and acute care client practices/rehabilitation [tertiary interventions]

Reading Material/Academic Sources:

 See end ‘Reference Lists’ of Lecture Material on Contemporary Practice Approaches/Assessment&Case Work and Practice Skills. These all have a good range of reading material listed to research for this assignment