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Describe the anticipated long-term utility of the project, its implications for future research, management, or conservation activities, and how the results or other outcomes will better inform such activities.

Marine mammal biology project

Final Project

The Marine Mammal Commission is a federally entity that was established in 1972 to “provide independent oversight of the marine mammal conservation policies and programs being carried out by federal regulatory agencies.” ( Your job is to write a 5-page (max) proposal for a topic you are interested in researching. Your proposal will be based on a recent MMC grant opportunity. See below for details on what you should include in your proposal.

Project Timeline

1. Submit research topic: due June 28 2. Written Outline:

• Written outline must include a project title and in bullet format o Introduction:backgroundofissue/researchquestion

o GoalsandObjectives
o Proposedresearchapproach(methodology)
o Whythistopicisimportanttoresearch
o Anticipatedresults/scientificcontribution
o Listofatleast3primaryliteraturepaperswhichwillbeusedassources

3. Oral presentation of your outline: due July 14th
• At least 5 PowerPoint slides
• Presentation should last for a maximum of 10 minutes.

4. Final, written Pre-proposal due July 21
• Text should cover the bullets outlined in step 2.
• 11pt; double spaced
• A minimum of 5 primary literature articles should be used as sources
• References and supporting materials do not count towards 5-page limit

this last lines are my professor suggested for me
” Take a look at some of the work that’s been done to mitigate right whale ship strikes. In terms of defining a question – you could focus on comparing/contrasting how different management decisions helped and the best way forward. ”

Proposal Body (limit 5 pages)

Introduction, Background, or Problem Statement: Provide a brief review of prior related efforts by the research team or others. Indicate knowledge gaps, shortfalls of previous efforts, or challenges to further progress and describe how the proposed effort will address these issues. If applicable,  include information about the species or population(s) of conservation concern or how the proposed work will increase the inclusion or representation of people from underrepresented groups in marine mammal research, management, or conservation.

Goals and Objectives: Provide statements of both the general or broad goal of the proposed project and the specific objectives that will be addressed within the scope of this proposal to make progress toward that goal. Provide your view of the importance or significance of the project, and how it relates to the Commission’s mission and goals.

Methods/Approach: Provide a detailed description of the methods so that the reviewer can understand how you will address the specific objectives of the project. If you are not conducting original research but are developing a workshop, review panel, or other activity; describe the nature of the activity, the planned agenda or working format, likely attendees/participants, and tentative dates and location of the planned activity.

Anticipated Outcomes: Describe the short-term outcomes, those anticipated to occur within the scope of effort and time span of the proposed project (e.g. completion of a workshop report, one or more peer- reviewed journal articles, an equipment prototype and report).

Research and Management Utility: Describe the anticipated long-term utility of the project, its implications for future research, management, or conservation activities, and how the results or other outcomes will better inform such activities.

Supporting Materials (maps etc.)