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Compare and contrast the views of at least two of the philosophers covered in the course with respect to a major theme also covered in the course. Critically assess the positions each philosopher takes, or would take, in preparation for defending one over the other(s).

PHIL 380 Assignment 5: Final Essay

Write an essay of approximately 2500 words on the following suggested themes.

An important goal of the course is to help students develop a capacity for comparative analysis and critical evaluation of various positions and approaches to philosophically relevant problems. As a reminder, to prepare for the task of criticizing and arguing for a position in the final assignment, you have been encouraged to write the reflection journals to exercise and record your critical responses during the learning process.

For this final assignment you will compare and contrast the views of at least two of the philosophers covered in the course with respect to a major theme also covered in the course. Critically assess the positions each philosopher takes, or would take, in preparation for defending one over the other(s).

In this assignment, you need first to formulate the problem you wish to address and the way the chosen philosophers have addressed this problem.

Possible themes (or negotiate one with your tutor):

1. Ultimate justifications for moral action
2. The nature of reality
3. What can be known and how it is known
4. Human nature and the foundations of moral life
5. The problem of language
6. Negotiated topic – consider issues raised in the Journal Entries