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Write a well-developed essay on:Analyze the impact of industrialization on the lives of workers and farmers. How did people organize to challenge the new industrial elite? To what degree were these efforts successful?

Write a well-developed essay on one of the questions below.

Your essay should display a firm understanding of the major trends regarding the topic backed by appropriate specific examples (names of people, places, dates, and events). Since this is a “take home” assignment, you should also take time to correct spelling and grammatical errors. Your final essay should be well thought out and polished.

Analyze the impact of industrialization on the lives of workers and farmers. How did people organize to challenge the new industrial elite? To what degree were these efforts successful?

What accounts for their victories and defeats? Address the major trends from 1865 to 1940.

Length: a minimum of 5 typed double-spaced pages in Times New Roman 12-point font with standard 1-inch margins. By 5 pages, I mean 5 pages of actual writing. Your works cited page will be in addition to the length of the essay.

Your essay should be left justified, with a ragged right margin.

Use a one-half inch indent for the beginning of paragraphs and hanging bibliography indents. Number the pages in the upper right header. Center the title of your essay at the top of the first page. Place your full name, course title, instructor’s name, and date in the upper left-hand corner of the first page.

Sources: Be sure to use at least five sources from in this course in forging your essay. note that this is not a research paper. Your goal is to show me that you are capable of synthesizing course information in an essay.

Cite your sources in the text of your essay using footnotes or in-text citations.

In addition, you should list all of your references in Chicago Manual Style