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Critically analyse own role as a member of the multi-professional team working collaboratively to inform decision-making about individual patient care, and improving safety and quality in the delivery of care and services to communities.


The assessment strategy
On successful completion of this module, students will be able to:

Knowledge and Understanding Outcomes

1. Critically discuss the concepts and theories of leadership, management, team working, risk management, clinical governance and accountability in relation to own professional and inter-professional practice.

Ability Outcomes

2. Apply clinical decision-making and problem-solving skills to critically examine the professional, legal, ethical and quality issues relevant to the delivery of care to patients in your field of professional practice.

3. Critically analyse own role as a member of the multi-professional team working collaboratively to inform decision-making about individual patient care, and improving safety and quality in the delivery of care and services to communities

Assessment Strategy

Formative assessment

This module will be assessed both formatively and summatively. Formative assessment will be an opportunity to submit an outline plan of the summative assessment for feedback (Maximum 500 words).

Summative Assessment

Assessment tasks

Evaluation of a critical incident (2000 words) (learning outcomes 1, 2 and 3,)

Assessment Criteria

The School generic grading criteria and the learning outcomes will apply.

The expectation is that text-based assessment tasks will be submitted via Turnitin®.

Identities of individuals and organisations should be anonymised, and confidences respected. Consent should be obtained from individual service users for use of any of their personal health information.

Assessment Weightings

Evaluation of a critical incident 100%

Tutor reassessment will apply.
Anonymous marking will not apply to this module.

Pass Marks, Grading and Classification Bands: