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dentify which brand elements to adapt and which to retain. Support your discussion and recommendations with examples.

International Brand Management

Jose Maria da fonseca wine and wine tourism company Brand manual (1,600 words)

Assessment Information

1. Understand and critically evaluate how customer-based brand equity affects consumer responses to the marketing of an international brand.

2. Construct, recommend and execute appropriate branding strategies for building and maintaining the brand across geographic boundaries.

3. Demonstrate a critical understanding of appropriate performance metrics to enable successful multicultural branding and brand-related communication strategies.

4. Design and implement brand strategies that consider the challenges of international brand naming, brand extension, brand stretching, and brand architecture in general.
This assignment is an individual assignment to produce a Brand Management Manual for José Maria da Fonseca wines and wine tourism (

Assignment Brief Template Page 1 of 6

You have been asked by José Maria da Fonseca to assist its marketing team with understanding its brand position and building brand equity across its international markets. You are required to produce a brand manual to guide the marketing team in increasing brand equity in today’s changing marketplace. The brand needs to communicate the values of the company whilst retaining its market position as a premium Portuguese brand.
This assignment is an individual assignment. Criteria for Assessment
Designing a brand manual

To design a brand manual, you need to consider the following:

• Introduction
Include a critical review of how customer-based brand equity affects consumer responses to the marketing of a brand like José Maria da Fonseca (LO1).

• Brand Strategies
Analysis of branding strategies (brand identity and image, brand personality or brand extension) over geographic boundaries.

• Strategy Recommendations (The brand guidelines)
Recommend the approaches José Maria da Fonseca should use to increase brand equity across their international markets. (LO2).

Identify which brand elements to adapt and which to retain. Support your discussion and recommendations with examples (LO4).
Include technical aspects including logo guidelines, font and pantone.

• Communication

Explain which communication tools would be used to best promote the brand across it markets and how these methods would be evaluated (LO3)


This assignment must be presented as a professional brand manual in Word format. There should be a reference list/bibliography at the end of the document.